Murderpats P.O.V.

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"MP! There coming early! Get him in the cage!" Springtrap yelled. "Alright boss!" I yelled back. I started to drag our prisoner into the cage. "You don't have to do this Mat! We can fix this!" He yelled. I ignored him. "I'm afraid we can't! Not after what you did!" I said back, I wasn't about to let him get on my good side. It wasn't as fun as the bad side! "Mat, please just listen to me!" "No! You were never there for me when I was younger! I won't listen to you ever again! You were never and never will be my dad!" I yelled back. Just as I finished putting him in the cage he said one last thing "Just think about it ok Matpat?" "Never call me Matpat!" I said and walked away leavening him in the dark.

A/N: Dun dun dun! You have to figure out who Os the prisoner! Don't yell at me if it's obvious. Anyway have a fantabulus rest of the day, BYE MY SHINNING STARRRSSSSS!

Not all of them are bad (1/3) FinnishedWhere stories live. Discover now