Chapter SEVEN

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"Mari? Mari? Mari!", I continue calling my fiancée name but she won't wake up.

"Mama?" A little voice calls me.

"Julissa, baby why is mommy sleep?"

"Because she cry."

"Why was she crying?" My daughter points to my location which I discover is a hospital bed. "Baby why am I here?"


"What accident?"



"Year 'go"

"A year ago!?" Julissa begins to cry and I don't know what to do, I've forgotten these basic things. "Jules please don't cry, I'm sorry."

"It ok."

"Can you wake up mommy for me?"

"Ok." Julissa starts banging on Mari's arms until she shoots up with wide eyes.

"Astrid? Is it really you?"

"Yes, who else would it be?"

"They said it was too late."

"What was too late?"

"They said you were gone."

"Oh." I look away because I can't stand to see her cry. My eyes reach a small container in the corner of the room. "What is that?"


"Who's that?"

"Our son."

"We don't have a son."

"We do. Don't you remember? I was 8 months pregnant and you were driving to get me from the doctors."

"I'm sorry I don't."



"Sorry Jules I'm just upset."

"It ok."

"Can I hold Eliott?" I say in the smallest voice I could muster.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. He's my son." So she says, I still can't remember.

"OK then." Maria puts him in my arms and he starts squirming a little bit.

"Astrid it's okay. He doesn't really know."

"He should!"

"You were in a coma!"

"But he's still my son. I want to know him and I want him to know me."

"He will, in time."

"The time is now."

"It can't be this way."

"What way? I've missed the first year of my son's life and you're telling me I am not allowed to be the least bit upset!"

"It will be okay."

"It's not okay. It will never be okay."


"Hello, Astrid."

"Deonté? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be prison."

"Well it seems that accident didn't do the job so I had to come and take care of it myself."

"Deonté that's not necessary. I'll move. I'll fake my own death. I'll do anything."

"There's really nothing left to do tha-"

"Money? I'll get you money."

"You should've stayed dead." Boom!.


I wake up screaming, in a burning sweat. I look over to two empty chairs and the container holding Eliott is empty too. I see my nurse pass by and call to her. "Excuse me, do you know where the people that were in here earlier went?"

"Oh they left a while ago."

"How long."

"A few hours."

"Do you know how long I've been sleep."

"They left right after you drifted off, so about 3 hours."

"Did she say anything?"

"As a matter of fact she left a note." She reaches out to the side and grabs a note from her desk. "I'll leave you to it."

"Dear Astrid,

I'm sorry to do this right now, but I'm leaving. This has been a long time coming. I know the timing may not be very right and I'm sorry for that. You can keep the house but the kids and I are going to stay with my mother and stepfather before we move. I'm sorry Astrid.
Forever with love, Maria.

Now I have no one. If she could leave at a time like this something has to be wrong with me.

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