Chapter ONE

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"Astrid!" is the sound I stir to. It sounds distant. Light water droplets kiss my slight dark skinned face as my hand flies up to meet them. My other hand strokes my surroundings with my fingertips. It is rough but smooth at the same time. Damn! I fell asleep outside again. My eyes shot open and up only to be met with a dark cloud. I scurry up and into my house. Aunt Libra greets me with fresh clothes. "Crazy called."
"Aunt Libra her name is Chrizzy not Crazy."
"Astrid when are you going to give up these childish females?"
"All females are childish."
"Especially you."
"Well thanks."
"Don't mention it."
"Where's Aunt Sage?" her full name was Sagittarius. My mom's name was Gemini. My grandmother really liked astrology. I also have an uncle named Leo. When my dad married my mom he first thought it was cute but later on he believed her family was weird and I was weird so he ran off when I was 10. The dumb bastard got himself so high one night he wrapped around a telephone pole. Dead instantly. I didn't cry. When mom and I went to identify his body I just stared at lifeless cold body that never did a damn thing for anyone. At his grave I just screamed "What did we ever do to you? and Why did you leave us?" over and over again until I went insane. After his funeral we found out he had a second family. A scrawny little white girl, didn't look much older than me, and some bastard baby. She came around after a few months asking for money. Mom just slammed the door in her face and we moved.

Couple years later Mom and I were in a convenience store when it got held up. Mom being the good person she was tried to help and got pistol-whipped for it. 2 years after that she had surgery to heal a broken foot. After not even 4 weeks she developed 2 major blood clots that doctors couldn't remove. They tried but she went brain-dead. The decision was made. My mother was gone. I moved in with my Aunt Libra and Aunt Sage because foster care for a year is not really where I wanted to go. At 17 I'm an orphan who has a problem with authority. I never pick women good for me always older than me too. Oh did I mention I'm a lesbian. Well there. That just about settles it.

I'm damaged goods.

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