Chapter SIX

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The sounds of us going over potholes, car horns being honked and shouting people in cars are the only things we hear for miles; that is until we get to the edge of town. Less lights. Less people. Less cars. "How did we get all the way out here Maria?"
"This is where mi madre grew up."
We drive some more until we turn on this little road. This road has only 2 houses, but they are extremely large. Maria pulls into one of them. "This is my house."
"My mother got remarried and moved to Cincinnati. She didn't want me to come with her, so she left me the house. She pays all the bills, so I guess it isn't so bad. I'm just lonely."
"What about your boyfriend?"
"He never wanted to come over my house, because I wouldn't have sex with him. He only stayed here the other day."
"Come on, I'll help you into the house."
"Oh, um, thanks. I still don't understand why you're welcoming a complete stranger into your home."
"I told you. I see good in you."
"Whatever you say kid."
"Don't forget I'm older than you."
"Whatever." I roll my eyes being severely annoyed.
"Come on, we can't sit in the car and bicker all day."
"Yes we can."
"No we can't."
"Yes the hell we can."
"Would you get out of the damn car!"
"Thank you!"
"You can stay homeless."
"Don't be like that."
"Then respect me in my own home."
"Ok ok damn."
"We need some rules. I didn't notice this but you're rather rude."
"Gee, thanks."
"Rule number one, you're gonna respect me and my house."
"Rule number two, you will have cleaning duties."
"And rule number three, remember this is my house, you will not destroy it."
"Ok b-"
"Ok," Maria gets out of the car annoying me with her gorgeous figure.
I stay in the car for a few more minutes not caring to get out.
Suddenly, the sky darkens and it begins to pour. Insanely, Maria's hair stays so perfect I can't help it but whenever I see her I get excited. I just met this girl and I'm already catching feelings.
I contemplate getting out of the car and trying to make a run for it or just sit in the car like a weirdo until the storm passes.
"Grrr." Well I guess my stomach has decided for me. I jump from the car, probably taking only about 3 steps as I bound into the front door. I turn to see Maria laughing as she walks up marble stairs that mimics a 'S'...
"Your room is right there, and my room is across the hall."
"Ok thanks."
"I put your stuff in already. You don't have much."
"Ok um, thanks."
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"My room?"
"Um, sure?"
"Come on in." Her room is bright blue with a sky painted on the ceiling; a neon yellow sun is painted in the corner. This whole room seems childish. She turns toward me quickly and I end up kissing her. She pulls away and smirks at me. "That wasn't part of the plan."
Crap! Is it bad that I liked it?

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