Chapter 21.

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I throw myself down onto my bed and let the tears start to flow from my eyes. I feel Rahul try to put his arms around me but I shrug him off. I really thought my grandma would understand and be supportive.
"Leyla?" Rahul says trying to pull me towards him again.
"No Rahul," I shout, "just no!" I feel so angry, so upset, so frustrated, so confused.

"Leyla look it'll all turn out fine," he lies unconvincingly.
"Rahul she is all I have left," I shout getting up off the bed, "she is like a mother to me and now I've lost her just like I lost my parents. I thought she'd understand but she made herself very clear. Everyone I love leaves me Rahul, it's just a matter of time until you leave too!" That's it. My grandma has made it very clear whilst I'm still carrying this child she wants nothing to do with me. All she spoke about was honour and how I had lost it, like Rahul was just a one night stand not someone I have feelings for. I may not be able to tell Rahul that I love him but I do, so much so that I'm willing to sacrifice the relationship I have with the only other human being in this whole world who acted as a mother to me. I can't give up on this child before it has already been born. I want to try and be the mother I never had.
"I'm not going anyway Leyla and you know that you're just angry, like your grandmother. She'll come round," Rahul stands up and pulls me towards him and this time I let him. I know he won't leave me really. I'm just so confused and angry.
"Thought I'd find you in here!" Ajay storms in, his eyes blazing fists balled staring down Rahul.
"What do you want Ajay?" Rahul lets me go and I stumble backwards wiping the waterfall off my face. Ajay just stands their eyes glaring.
"You think it's funny to get my cousin pregnant huh? Did you wait till she was most vulnerable then make your move?" Ajay shouts. Rahul takes some steps towards him and squares up to him.

"What have I ever done to you?" Rahul sighs rolling his eyes.
"I told you this wasn't over," Ajay takes a swing at Rahul colliding with his jaw. A trickle of blood escapes from Rahul lips. Suddenly Rahul grabs Ajay's t-shirt and slams him against the wall getting in his face.

"What the hell Ajay? Huh? You seriously wanna go there?" Rahul shouts, spit flying over Ajay.

"You knock-up my cousin who needs protecting and your acting like I've done you wrong? Did you watch and wait for your moment huh? I've seen you glancing at her, waiting for your time to pounce. You know she defenceless and susceptible. I bet you had a right laugh with Matt didn't you?" Ajay spits back and I just lose it. I'm already feeling fragile with my hormones and now my grandma so Ajay is really not helping.
"Ajay it takes two to tango!" I shout trying to pull Rahul off him, "I'm not that little girl anymore. I don't need you to keep watch over me." Rahul finally releases his grip and I drag him to the opposite side of the room.
"You're not my father, you never will be. I don't know why you think it's acceptable to call me vulnerable? I'm fine, Ajay, just fine," I yell, "I have Rahul now and that's all I need in terms of 'protection'." I lace my fingers with Rahul's as Ajay shakes his top out. He looks at me his face completely emotionless.
"Then you are no longer my cousin," he says evenly, "just a common hoe." With that he opens my door and slams it shut. Two bridges burnt in one day, I'm on a roll. I move my face so I can see Rahul's. He looks down at me a trickle of blood still coming from his mouth. I use my free hand to wipe it away before kissing him.
"Everything will be fine," Rahul mumbles pushing our foreheads together, "I'll make everything fine."

The Favour (COMPLETE)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora