Chapter 15.

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"Rahul?" I turn to see who's shouting my name slowing my pace. I can see Leyla in a pair of blue jeans and a thick wooly jumper running towards me. I turn away and continue walking towards my dorm block.
"Rahul?" I continue walking picking up my pace until I'm at the door. I punch the number into the key pad and open the door rushing up the stairs.
"Rahul?" I turn and see Leyla advancing on me. I can't stop now though I'm so close to my dorm room.
"Rahul!" I feel her grab my wrist and spin me around. She looks like she's been crying and it makes my heart break a little but I've gotta stay strong and she's the one who said she didn't want to be with me in the first place.
"What?" I snarl trying to rip my wrist from her grasp but she's holding on tightly.
"We need to talk," her eyes are begging for my attention, "I know you've been avoiding me but this is serious." I shake my head and pull a sarcastic smile. So what I'd moved places so I don't have to look at her? She's broken my heart. Out of all the girls I've ever dated I've never told them 'I love you', Leyla is the first and only one and well look how that turned out...
"What so you can tell me more lies?" I laugh twisting my wrist and finally getting Leyla to release her grip, "I mean aren't you just one huge lie?" I turn and walk away from the shocked expression on Leyla's face. I put the key in the lock on my door and twist it letting myself in and slamming the door shut behind me. I'm not angry with Leyla though, that's the odd thing. However hard I try I just want to forgive her and hug her and tell her that it doesn't matter what she said.
"Rahul?" I hear her bang her fist on the door and I have to close my eyes trying to block out what's happening to me. She keeps banging the door using her fist and her feet but I can't let her in. I don't wanna listen to what she has to say.
"Rahul!" She's shouting now, exasperated and hurting just like me. I don't want her to feel like this-I want her to know how much I appreciate her and love her. I open the door and feel her fist land on my chest.
"What?" I shout, "realised what love is yet?" I pull her into my room and shut the door behind her. I try to keep an angry face but Leyla just looks so innocent and confused.

"I'm working on it," she sighs collapsing to the floor. I sit next to her as she pulls her knees towards her chest. I can see tears glistening in her eyes and pull her towards me, wrapping my arms around her.
"I know you've lost something you can't replace," I whisper into her ear as she begins to sob into my jumper, "I know you're broken. I know right now you think that you'll never be fixed. Leyla, I love you and I want to mend you, to make you better." I feel the tears starting to form in my eyes.
"But what if you can't?" She sobs so I pull her closer to me until I feel like I'm suffocating her.
"Leyla you don't have to be able to tell me you love me," I let the tears begin to fall, "because I can see in your face how much you love me. If you didn't know what love was then you wouldn't have chased me all the way to my dorm would you? You're like a machine that people think has no use anymore, there are those people out there who see great things for you and those who only see the scrapheap. Leyla I see so much potential in you... So much potential that I will wait however long it will take for you to look at me and say those three words." She lifts her head off my chest and smiles weakly.
"Promise?" She breathes so quietly I almost missed the word.
"Cross my heart and hope to die," I whisper using my fingers to wipe the tears off her glistening cheeks. She leans forward and places a delicate kiss on my lips. I smile at her wiping my own tears now.
"You really wanna fix me?" Leyla whispers and I lace my fingers with hers.
"There's a story behind every person. There's a reason why they're the way they are. They aren't just like that because they want to be. Something in the past created them, and sometimes it's possible to fix them," I say as she leans her head on my shoulder.

"So does this mean we're officially going out?" Leyla mumbles and I nod my head.
"Yeah," I smile, "I think it does..."

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