Chapter 16

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Y/n's P.O.V

I was sitting in my cushioned chair, staring out of the large window before me and wouldn't even blink. The pistol in my hand was growing warm under my tight grip and there was just silence. Somewhere out their is Janiman and there I was sitting- waiting- like a lost lamb waiting to be found. Dean was gone, I was at my weakest state due to lack of sleep and I ordered all the staff to leave. So it was just me and the manor, I was alone. Suddenly there was a slam of a door and I jumped out my seat, aiming my gun at the only way into my study. There was a long pause and then a rupture of laughter echoed off the walls, my hands began to shake and I backed up a step when I heard another door slam. It must be Janiman, who else could of it have been? I closed my eyes, mustering up my courage with each deep breath I took, he killed them all and now it was time for the tables to be turned. A new founded confidence forced me to open my study door and walk down the hallway, my hands were still up with gun in hand, ready to fire. I quietened my breathing as I rounded a corner and abruptly jumped round, expecting a man dressed in all white to be there, but he was nowhere to be found. I slowly walked on and I noticed that a piano was playing in the large dining room on the first floor. Anger drove me towards there stairs but I was cautious enough to tip toe down the carpeted stairs, trying to be as stealthy and quiet as possible. Soon the piano music got louder the closer I got to the door to the dining room, my shaky hand gripped onto the brass handle and released a long deep breath, but as soon as my hand touched the handle the piano music came to an abrupt stop. I slammed the door open and pointed the gun in the direction of the piano, but no one was there and I walked further in. The door behind me was rammed back into the doorframe with a loud bang and all of the candles, the only source of light in the room, were all suddenly extinguished and I was frozen in dark. My eyes struggled to see anything but with a brave face I kept the gun ready, even though I kept telling myself i was not scared my body would betray me by waves of trembling passing through my muscles. There was a loud noise of a vase crashing to the ground and I snapped my head in the direction it came from. I was tempted to shoot blindly in the dark but I knew I had limited ammo and if I was to run out I would be even more of an easy target. I felt something brush against my foot and I jumped up, choking back my scream. Looking down, all I could see was darkness smiling back at me. Damn it I couldn't see anything, how was I supposed to survive this!? My breathing was the only thing I could hear and I noticed how it became more uneven and was faster due to the fact that I was in the same room as the killer of my family.

"long time no see (y/n)." A deep voice whispered in my ear and I could feel the warm breath of my enemy, I twirled around pushing my gun forward but he was gone. Tears of fear welled up in my eyes and a small whimper escaped my throat, he was here...and was ready to finish what he had started. My hands were now uncontrollable and my teeth chattered as a cold wave traveled up my body. Someone please help me!

"I...I'm n-not afraid!" I shouted into the darkness and squeezed my eyes shut when a large hand gripped on the back of my neck as another hand slithered around my waist, pulling me closer to the tall body behind me. His hot breath sent goosebumps down my neck and arms and my legs began to weaken. I felt so weak and helpless, why couldn't I just be as powerful as any man?

"Your voice says otherwise." His voice was a purr and the hand gripping onto the back of my neck slowly trailed round to my throat. "Humans are so delicate, like porcelain dolls. Such soft skin, so easily broken." His nails dug into my throat slightly and small dribbles of blood rolled down my throat silently. I let out a small whimper as his grip around my throat tightened, it wasn't enough to choke me though. "See how beautiful your blood looks against your skin, your fear is like a symphony to my ears." I could feel him shake in delight and felt disgusted at his words, I tried ripping myself away but his strength was far greater than my own.

"Get away from me!" I bit down on his hand and finally got out of his iron grip. spinning around with my gun ready, I did not expect to see just darkness. Where did he go? Even though I could not see him, I could feel his presence in the room. A cold chill ran down my spine and I knew I had to get out of that room, I slowly backed up till my back softly hit the door and I fumbled for the handle. After a few seconds of clumsy work I had finally felt the cold metal bring into my hand, I pulled down expecting the door to open but I wouldn't budge. I yanked the handle over and over but the door stayed shut. a deep chuckle chimed out in the far corner of the room and I aimed my gun, using it as if it were some sort of shield. Suddenly the gun was smacked out of my shaky hands and a large hand gripped onto my throat, ramming me into the door and held me up slightly off the ground. My hands clawed at Janiman's grip and my eyes were squeezed shut. There was a slight pause and then I felt myself being thrown across the room. My frail body landed onto the dining table and plates of food, jugs of wine and the plates crashed to the ground and caused even more pain to my landing. I tried pushing myself up but my weak arms fell underneath my weight and I hit my head on the table, groaning I rolled onto my back and only just processed the fact that Janiman was on top of me, pushing his thumbs into my throat. My eyes widened as my windpipe began to close and my lungs were refused oxygen. I kicked my legs out to get him off but I wasn't in the right position to even reach him, my nails dug into his arms and hands failing to make his grip faultier. He slowly brought his face closer to mine and then I saw it. The amusement. There was a large grin on his lips and his eyes were wide with amazement and pure happiness after seeing me struggle and being so helpless. His sapphire blue eyes gleamed as his white hair slithered out of place and into his pale face. My vision began to get hazy as the lack of oxygen drove intake direction of death, but I couldn't believe it. The last thing I would see is the amusement of my murderer. My mind traveled away as thoughts of Sebastian suddenly played through my memory. I would never get to see him again, I wouldn't get to say I love you one last time. The way things were left between us was sour and I didn't get to spend my life with him. I smiled slightly as the relieving words replayed in my mind I love you too. I closed my eyes, feeling weak and was on the brink of death. The man I thought I was destined to kill...ended up killing me, how amusing.

"(Y/N)!" A male shouted my name and Janiman was off me in seconds, I took a deep gulp of air and my aching lungs relaxed as the oxygen soothed them. I held my throat in pain as I coughed uncontrollably and my body shook. Gentle hands scooped me into the males arms as I glanced up, there I saw  Dean. His red hair was slightly out of place and his emerald green eyes stared back at me with the same gentleness as his hold on me. My ears picked up the sound of punches and growling coming from the other end of the room and when I turned my gaze in the direction, I saw Janiman fighting a raven haired man and then i suddenly recognised the male. It was...Sebastian. His fighting was more rage filled and animalistic than I had ever seen, he gritted his teeth as a thunderous growl escaped his lips. "How dare you touch her!" He grabbed onto Janiman's arm and with a groan pulled it off. The murderer screamed out in pain as he held the area where his arm used to be. My gaze was suddenly blocked when Dean began to walk away.

"It's best you don't see this."

Shadows heart (Sebastian x reader) book 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon