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It hurt. She fell to her knees and peered up with tearful eyes. Her heart throbbed; she could see its red glow between his fingers. The hands that once caressed her cheek, now menacing claws that wrapped around her lifeline. His sneer no longer chilled her to the bone, his face no longer held any charm or desire. She wasn't looking at her happy ever after. She was staring death in the face, looking into the eyes of the snake. She was looking at a soulless creature, a monster.

Her attempts at using magic to defeat such an evil was useless. He seized the bird once and for all. The times of simple gloat and capture were over. The hummingbird's wings were broken...

She wasn't going to be able to fly again.

The anger was there, distinctive and strong. And in that fury, she realized they both were similar in at least one aspect. He wanted her to die just as much as she wanted to silence his monstrous roar forever.

But even a hero has to accept defeat. She broke eye contact with her murderer to look amongst the horrified expressions of her friends and family. Two boys stood out. One she was trying to save, one that must not die if there was to be any chance of peace for the future. The other she loved, and it took her this long to realize it. He had been her shoulder to cry on for so long now. He deserved the world, and she would be damned if evil prevailed and stole that away from him.

It was the only way the others would unite against him. The King would fall after a noble sacrifice. Her death was the key.

She smiled at her hunter, her tears escaped and fled down her cheeks, "You finally caught me, satisfied?"

"Immensely." He licked his lips, his eyes held an intense yearning.

"NO!" Her love growled at her. He was betrayed. She was giving up.

"He loves you," The monster stalked towards her.

"I love him." She kept her voice steady for her love's benefit.

"DON'T DO THIS! ANGELA!" Her angel sobbed a roar of his own.

The childlike predator brushed a tear trail away from her cheek and she felt the electricity of his almost felt like old times.

"Goodbye, my Darling."

Her last thoughts, despite herself, were of blond hair and brown eyes, bronze hair and green eyes, laughs, love, kisses, and unkept promises of unfelt bliss.

"Goodbye, my King."

And then she felt him begin to squeeze-

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