(30) The Awaited Moment

Start from the beginning

And then there she smiled

"I wanted to talk to you-"

"Look, I wanted to_"

They said in unison before they stopped, Savanna let out a giggle. Her eyes fresh with tears, fresh with emotions

happiness, sadness... It didn't really matter now. She needed this

"you first" Lucas said when Savanna sat on her bed, Lucas of course followed her and sat beside her

With a deep breath, Savanna started

"I'm happy you came, I actually wanted to talk to you before we join the others" she said at first, she found it hard to actually talk right now but she forced herself to do so

"I know things may have been.. complicated. Not just about us but with everything. My identity, the secrets we have kept and the things that just have been happening to us. Sadly, all I have ever have done is create more complications and I'm sorry for that too"

Lucas opened is mouth to protest but Savanna lifted her hand for him to stop him

"But the thing is, even with this life, the things that has been happening to us.... They hurt but that's fine guess. After all its also hard in your part. I'm sure Honoria would be proud to have a man like you. Strong, brave, loyal, you're just the man who the world actually needs despite your foul exterior. You're a great man Lucas, that I can see but I really can't hate you for that" A laugh escaped her mouth as her eyes brimmed with tears "How could I hate you for that? You're a leader and that's what they do, they lead even when their roads have disappointments and obstacles, you hold your pack and would do anything to keep it standing"

"I'm proud for you" She smiled before she took another breath when she realize there was a lump on her throat when she couldn't let the words out

"I- I" Her tears began to flood through her pale skin and Lucas didn't hesitate to wipe them away with his gentle fingers

"Thank you Lucas, Thank you for giving me those eighteen years to actually live the best as I can. Those eighteen with my pack and my family... I-I love you Lucas, even if you can't that's fine. I just want to let those out. I'm not mad about it"

Lucas stared at Savanna for a great moment, his mouth open ready to tell her to damn everything, that it was all his fault yet his words wouldn't come out just as Savanna had the courage to say and it only made him weak. So with a shaky breath, Lucas jumped to hug Savanna fiercely. His hold tight and hard as if he couldn't let her go

I love you

Savanna I love you

"savanna -"

she only shook her head for him to stop, her smile shakily weak yet she remained strong

"You don't have to say it Lucas"

Lucas could only nod before he stood silently. You weak mutt!

Before he left he said softly

"Stay alive Savanna" and left, leaving Savanna who eyes remained through his back. As Lucas strides hard towards the other side of the mansion, he stopped when his legs gave out of him. His hands clutched his hair tightly as he wished for the pain to consume him, kill him with its agony. He wanted to scream yet the only sound that came out was his sobs

and there he saw all those memories with his late wife, his happiest moment that slowly turned to his and Savannas greatest memories together. And slowly all he could only think about was her. Amanda's words spoke through his mind as all he could see was him, her and the life they could create together

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