Thirty Three ~ Reunion

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I wandered bored around school... Where the hell was Zayn?

Practically the entire student body was at school but he still hadn't shown up. I sighed but as I looked up on last time he came into view

"Zaynie!" I squealed rushed toward him

I jumped onto Zayn, wrapping my arms and legs around him as I sprinkled his entire face with kisses

Zayn took me off him, staring down at me confused

"What are you doing?" He asked

"Oh..." I felt a knife stab through my heart "you don't..."

"Love you?" He sent a second one into me

"You changed your mind" My voice broke

"Yeah" this knife was different. It was a hot red and when it drove into me, it twisted creating a bigger and more painful wound

"I'll just go"

"What?" Zayn asked "why?"

"You don't love me" My voice trembled

"Woah, woah, woah" Zayn said alarmed "I never said that"

"You said you changed your mind-"

"Yeah, about the separation" Zayn nodded "it was a difficult test"

"So what?" I asked upset

"Baby... Look at me" Zayn pleaded "don't do this Niall"

"You're the one who said you wanted me back" My voice broke "and ch-changed your mind in two s-seconds"

"That's not true"

"Yes it is!" I whisper yelled "I knew you'd stop loving me! I knew it!"

"You didn't know anything-"

"I don't even know what I was thinking... Of course you'd move on" I whimpered "you're Zayn Malik, you don't stick for very long and you stuck to me longer than you'd ever- mmm"

Zayn crushed his lips onto mine, holding me close. This kiss was better than I imagined it to be... Butterflies in my stomach frenzied over Zayn, making me feel light headed.

When Zayn pulled back I gulped... Would he say what I wanted to hear?

"I love you"

That wasn't how Zayn ever said it... He was lying

"Niall... I do love you" Zayn whispered

"I-I don't believe you"

Zayn was never sincere about this. He'd always had honest eyes... These weren't honest


"I can see in your eyes that you're lying" tears filled up my eyes "I can see it"

"You got me" Zayn smiled "I don't love you"

My bottom lip began to tremble and the first few tears streaked down my face with one of my childish whimpers

"But that's because I'm in love with you" Zayn's brown eyes seemed to glitter almost golden... This I had never seen before

I hugged myself tight, waiting for him to say it was a joke but... Zayn only kept going

"I am so in love with you" Zayn laughed, pulling me into chest "I've been telling the world I'm getting you back, that I had been sneaking around with you... God Niall, I missed you like crazy"

I was too scared to look at Zayn. He was one to fool people... He'd only announce it when they asking how serious he was, I didn't want to risk this.

It's a School Thing (Ziall AU)Where stories live. Discover now