Ch 17: The Treasure of 1002 Stars

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A/N: Hey its the map! follow along kiddies! THREE locations are mentioned this chapter (if you count Korem its 4)

Sin POV:

The warriors in the great hall enjoyed a lengthy discussion about wether I would be as cold as my personality in bed or as fiery as my fighting spirit.

The people of Korem were very free sexually and while I was not queen it was widely assumed I was bed mate to the king.

A virgin was highly prized as a wife, but an avid lover would do well so long as she has not bed many a men and those she had were not cowardly men.

On the same token, the woman is free to choose her mate.

Even in war times, rape is considered an act for cowards and men not worthy of Korem, if one forces themselves upon a woman. The woman is either permitted to cut off his penis and let him die by blood loss or choose another man to castrate the man for her.

Besides in Korem if you are rejected by a woman it simply mean she does not find you strong enough to take care of her womanly needs and feels as though another could satisfy her more, they would bed who they liked and who they found worthy. A man must accept that and if he truly desires her may try and prove his strength to entice her.

They are strange people, but Korem does prize women.

You get one wife.

having mistresses's means your wife my castrate you and send you to your death. If a woman was unfaithful she too was executed. and seeing as they did not have a penis to bleed out from, their husband could cut off his favorite part of her or her favorite part.

Neither Brom or I denied his many apparent conquests of me in the bedroom.

He would not ever live down the fact I have rejected him at least once a year for eight years even in sexual sport and I get a certain leeway and distance from others by being lover of the king.

Of course we did not confirm either.

We simply sat and listened to the warriors debate over wether my tiny body could fit a mans cock or not.

I could tell it began to Irritate Brom. He held immense respect for me and he tended to become jealous.

A man who knew how to give up does not continue ask for ones hand for eight years.

He was the youngest king in the realms, only one year older than I. so he did have a certain excuse but not for much longer.

Although from my understanding many believe I shall give in one day. For Brom becomes stronger with each passing winter.

Finally he told the men that I in fact understood their language.

I looked to the men and in perfect Korem tongue told him I could fit a mans cock. it was simply a matter of whether the man was able to satisfy me enough to live another day.

A great cheer went through the hall.

They found me humorous.

It would be true too.

If I were ever to descend low enough to bed one of the mongrels of the realms, and he failed to please me. I would kill him.

I bit into the large leg of deer offered to me by Brom. The bear Sin ripping into raw meat by Broms feet.

The large man turned to me and offered some ale.

I took it, listening as he switched to common tongue so we may have a more private talk.

Brom was slow in the common tongue but knew it well enough. "you here for reason silver tiger."

I nodded once, "I have a proposal for you."

He seemed to gain more interest, "What you want?"

"A man has angered me."

"many men anger you."

I nodded in acknowledgement of that fact. "This one is...different."

"You want him dead?"

"Only by my hand. If he comes into these lands, I want him captured and held for me. I do not have the time to chase that mutt around the realms."

Brom took a long drink looking me over, "What he look like."

I peered at him from under my hood, "Black hair. yellow eyes. He travels with a wolf."

Brom leaned back a bit, "yellow? he cursed man?"


The beast of a man seemed to think this over, muscles in his neck flexing, "What I get from capturing him?"

I removed my hood, tilting my jaw up haughtily, "When I obtain my goal. We will be allies and at that time if you still wish it so I shall become your bed mate."

This gave him pause, "But not wife?"

"I am not suitable as wife."

"You are suitable to Brom. I take what i can. always time after Silver Tiger is mine. If yellow eyed man set foot in Korem I will chain him to ground and wait for you to come."

I tiny smirk curled under the scarf over my face, "Many thanks Brom."

"no thanks, just deal kept."

I nodded once.

I did not think the people of Korem would be able to keep the dog if they caught him but I did know if they saw him and they tried they would make it known the king wants him dead. and the king is doing so for his Silver Tiger.

Kai would know it was me the moment those words were spoken.

That was all that mattered for now.

"Where you go now?"

"I need to make use of Shadows Pass to get into Demera."

"What in pathetic stag country appeal to Silver Tiger Sin, Brom and his people can do whatever it is. we do it better. faster. we are stronger."

"I know of your strength Brom. it is not the people I need but something hidden there. an object I require for my goals."

The man nodded, "I will have Shadows Pass opened for you."


The king turned back to his men as a fight broke out. I excused myself from the table of rowdy laughing men, patting the brown bear Sin on the head once as I drifted from the room." I have taken care of one issue. But now it is a matter of getting to Demera and the top of The Demons Peak. I needed the treasure of 1002 weeping stars.

It was the most dangerous and most mysterious treasure in all the realms. many greedy men seek the treasure and the king of Demera keeps it heavily guarded. he fears its curse everyone in Demera fears it. It sent them into a 100 year long winter the last time someone tried to remove it from the top of The Demons Peak.

Unfortunately for Demera, I did not care if they were cursed with 2000 years of winter. The treasure of 1002 weeping stars does not belong to their realm and some idiot removed it from its proper place many years ago. Whatever happens to the realm of Demera. It is their own fault.

They have brought this upon themselves.

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