Ch 11: I do not Undertand Humor.

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A/N: u people be all like "Oh my god everyons so tall" and im all like ....average hight in the world... Kai is tall Sin is short everyone else (women) mentioned is average... AVERAGE! (Or slightly above) depends on ur region. I didz my research people! u people crazy. Questioning 170cm but utterly ignoring the fact that sin can rip through all the bones and tissue of a woman's chest and pull out a heart like thats SO EASY. XD

Kai POV:

Sin strode down the hall in a black silk robe that pooled at her feet and trailed behind her.

I couldn't decide if the robe was purposefully so long or if she was just that small.

Either way, she looked..different with het hair in a damp yet elegant twist, strands falling over her high cheekbones. Her face completely uncovered from even its scarf. her kohl and dark powders had disappeared in the bath.

She looked like some sort of pixy.

I would has guessed her an innocent young girl had I not known who she was and had not seen her pull a dagger from a wall so she may use it to shave...everything.

Which was new. Its considered taboo for a to shave her fun parts. 

I wondered where she got that habit from. When I asked her ever so clever reply was, 'sanitation. comfort. aerodynamics.'

unsure what she meant by the last bit I was tempted to ask but she seemed rather finished with our conversation.

As if sensing my thoughts she peered over her shoulder at me.

Again I was stricken by how young she looked.  

"Hey miss assassin?"

She did not reply but tilted her head. A gesture I have quickly learned meant she was listening and I should keep talking. 

"How old are you?"

"this is my 19th fall season."

...19 such a feared woman was 19? I thought her to be nearly 24 at the least. It was no wonder she looked young. she was barely of legal age in many realms. 

It only makes sense to stop marrying at 13 when magic has cured most of the elements that left you wondering if you would see past 30.

"and how long have you been this knife loving woman?"

"I have always loved sharp objects."

"I meant how long have you been a walking slaughterhouse."

She paused in her steps, "...what a lovey image. I have been killing for 9 years."

She continued on as I stared at her, she expects me to believe she started her murder spree nine years ago. I paused, "a ten year old girl brought a kingdom to its knees?"

"Before even my first womans blood."

Wonderful imagery there. and more than I needed thank you very much.

that odd voice sounded in my head again. "And you?"

"Me I have yet to have my first womans blood. sorry."

I couldn't see her face but I could tell she was not amused.

I wasn't all that amused either, a 19 year old girl didnt bat a lash at my naked form. I have sent woman twice her age, hell twice my age into fits of embarrassed delight.

I may only be 3 years older than the woman but I am slightly offended.

"How long have you been killing, dog?"

Thy Kingdom Come (on hiatus)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ