Chapter 20

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I seriously just got home from school so yeah.

The one picture I actually look cute in

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The one picture I actually look cute in. And mean it. And that's me riding the bus home today.

So. I cried at school a lot today. I was tardy to most of my classes.
I still don't have my instrument for band class. And I was supposed to get it today.
I didn't understand the worksheet that I did in science. So I didn't do anything else in that class because if I couldn't do something that easy then I should be in 3rd grade again.
Then in language arts, I had to write a speech and I didn't know what to write about. And everyone else was ahead of me. So I started crying in the middle of class. I guess no one saw me crying.
I didn't go to my next class. I skipped it. And got bullied while I was in the hallway. I missed lunch. (And now I'm really hungry. Still.)
Math was so confusing. And I have homework. So I can't do it. I might just take a F in math class. I'm so bad at math.
And in history class I got to be learn how old wars where like. I got to shot a fake gun at a skeleton. It was kinda fun.

So I've had a pretty bad day. I now feel better writing it down. Weird.

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