Chapter Six: Toxic

Start from the beginning

"I'm not bitching, I just want to know why everyone defends her." I say glaring at the two of them.

"Can we just get through this night without anyone getting into a fight?" Jonathan sighed.

Not only is he the captain of this team, he's also the problem solver.. Somewhat of a problem solver.

After the little spat I had with Sharpy the night continued on like it normally would, everyone joked, laughed, snorted wine out of their nose whenever someone said something stupid. Everyone was having a great time, I was having an okay time, it seemed like Jamie was having an even worse time.

She barely smiled at the jokes Shawzy made and she was constantly checking her phone, everyone assumed she was just waiting for a confirmation from her dad that he landed safely since he was a pilot but something was telling me she was waiting for something else.

"So Jamie, when do you plan on dating again?" Lindsey asked as she propped her chin on her hands.

Jamie shook her head with a small smile, I sat there while fiddling with the silver wear in front of me, I listened as my eyes looked to her since I was interested in her answer but I was also terrified.

"Probably not for a while." She answered honestly.

"Why not?" Asked Chaunette.

"I'm just gonna focus on my schoolwork and these guys." Jamie replied.

"Well, surely you're going to get lonely after a while." Dana laughed.

"I think it'll be worth the wait, all the good guys can't hide away forever." Jamie stated with a slight grin on her lips. "I really gotta get goin', it's getting late and I have school."

"Aww, can't you stay just a while longer?" Abby pouted.

"I wish but I can't, plus there's practice tomorrow." Jamie replied, giving the guys a look, including me. "Thanks for inviting me over, I really needed this."

"You are more than welcomed, Jamie. Come on I'll show you out." Abby smiled and got up from her seat.

Jamie and Abby disappeared from the dining room into the corridor leaving me to ponder in my thoughts.

She wants a good guy, eh? I can be a good guy, hell, I'm a great good guy.

"I'm really proud of you, Peeks." Jonathan's voice brought me out of my train of thoughts.

"What? Why?" I was confused as to why he was saying this.

"You went through the whole night without fighting or bickering with her." He said with a fatherly smile.

"Uh, thanks? I-I don't know how to respond to this." I laughed softly before the boys chimed in.

"No, really, you handled this night very well and I couldn't be happier."

"Okay Jonny, enough with the chick flick shit."

I didn't realize it as first but Jonathan was right, this was the first time we didn't want to strangle each other since she got here, it was kind of nice.

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