Yandere Gaster X Female reader

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(All rights reserved. Gaster as well as the other characters are not mine!)

It was a year after you got out of the underground. A year after defeating Chara, many resets, and pain and suffering. A year after being stuck in the void while Chara ruled over the underground. During that time trapped in the void you meet a skeleton named Gaster. He was...interesting?

When you first got into the void you were angry and confused,you yelled a lot at the endless void as if it were something or someone. At what you assumed to be night- was the loneliest. There was no one just the feeling someone was watching you. You always played your music from your phone to make you feel less lonely. It was when you were trying to get warm by holding yourself and rubbing your arms when You heard a voice. "Cold is the absence of Warmth." It was a male voice you know that much. You sat up and looked around only to find a nicely dressed skeleton with a permanent smile- only the smile was bigger and looked almost like a miniature void. He combed his fingers through non-existing hair-showing a gaping holes in his palms. He also had scratches that went through his eyes sockets. You stood up but didn't approach him. "Who are you?" you ask.

His permanent smile widens. "My name is Gaster. I am-or used to be a scientist until a experiment went wrong and got me stuck in the void. How are you here?"

You scratch my neck uncomfortable "Uh...I wouldn't join Chara so she sent me here and I can't come out until I join her."

He nods and looks around the empty void.

"I'd rather die than join her, which might come faster than I accept, or I go crazy." You add sitting down again.

He walks over to me "Do you have a family human? I do. two boys."

After that conversation you talked and hung out more. Even with his company you wanted more! Now all you did was sit around and play songs! When you finally had enough with this boring and suffocating life you yelled out into the void. "Chara! I'm ready to join you!"

As soon as you said this you were in front of Chara and out of the void. Little did you know that Gaster had listened to you and was never letting you go when he saw you again.

After defeating Chara, you got back to the human world. That's where life started. You went to college (Twice) and made friends and got a boyfriend. After a year of dating he proposed, you of course said yes!

A day after he proposed we lay in bed and stole kisses from each other. You felt eyes on you guys as you shopped for wedding supplies.

It was the day of the wedding you were nervouscited (Nervous and excited) as you waited for your cue to walk down the aisle. Your father/mother put his/her arm in yours and led you down the aisle littered with red and white flower petals. You stood in front of your soon to be husband smiling crazily. All of a sudden the door bursts open to reveal Gaster in a old fashioned blue suit? He pulled out a modern gun and shot my finance, then starts shooting others. You hold your dead finances body and cry onto it. How could Gaster do this? After a few minutes the screaming, and gunshots stop. You are slowly pulled away from the body and cuddled by Gaster. He kisses your neck and says something to quietly for you to hear. You sob asking him why over and over again. He nuzzles into my neck. "I did this so we could be together. You must be shocked but don't worry when I'm done with you, you won't miss them. Besides I'll treat you better than your stupid Finance."

You don't get to say any because he puts a cloth over your face forcing you into darkness.


Was it good? This was my first yandere one-shot! Please like and comment! Tell me if you have specific Yandere's you want me to write about and/or create!

Author-Chan Out! :)

Various! Yandere X  Female Reader-Chan!Where stories live. Discover now