God Help the Outcast

Start from the beginning

I feel my eyes widen as he closes the door behind him. I turn back to the priest. "Umm... I don't know what to say." I say making the priest laugh, "You could say thank you." "Oh... Umm, thank you, father?" I say as a question only making him laugh more. "I'll take it, now come, I'll show you where you can sleep tonight." The priest says as he starts to walk away. "Oh, I'm not stay here. I have to leave." I say as I go back to the door. "I wouldn't if I were you." I hear behind me. "Why not?"

"If I know Leo Nevil, which I do, he has this place surrounded with other guard." I could feel my heart drop hearing him say that. What Leo said was true, gypsy don't like to stay in one place for long. I sigh as I turn back to the priest, a fake smile on my face. "I guess I'll stay here until I could figure something out." I say. "Well we have spare rooms upstairs, and you can go where ever you wanted to go but I must ask, don't go up the bell tower."

I raise an eyebrow, "What's up in the bell tower?" I ask my curiosity killing me now. But the priest wouldn't answer me as he gave me a small smile, "Enjoy your night." He says as he walks away for me leaving me alone with a tons of statue all staring at me. I take a deep breath and start to walk around the church to see people sitting, some had their heads down, others cupped their hands together, praying.

I look up to see a statue of what I believe is their God. I walk up closer to it, "I don't know if you can hear me, or if you even care." I say quietly before I do a chuckle, "I don't know if you would even listen to a gypsy's prayer." I wrap my arms around me not looking at the statue, "I know I'm just an outcast, I shouldn't speak to you." I say as I finally look up at the statue again, "Still I see your face and wonder... Were you once an outcast too?" I ask as I turn my back to the statue and start to walk away.

"God help the outcast, hungry from birth, show them the mercy, they don't find on Earth." I say as I start to cup my hands. "Please help my people... We look to you still, please help the outcast, or nobody will." I whisper as I start to hear people behind me, their prays. "I ask for wealth." I hear one man say. "I ask for fame, for glory to shine on my name." Another man says as he un cups his hands and starts to leave the church. I look next to me to see an young lady maybe a few years older then me, her holding her small child in her arms, "I ask for love, I ask for God and his angels to bless me and my child." The young mother says as I see a tear slide down her face as she holds her child closer to her.

I look back to see that the church is almost empty now, "I ask for nothing, I can get by." I start to think about my sister, my friends, everyone that need more help. "I know so many less lucky than I, please help my people, the poor and downtrod." I say as I walk up to the status again, "I thought we all were, children of God." I ask my voice raising with a tear falling form my face. "God help the outcast, children of God." I pray again as I notice that I'm alone.

I don't know if everyone went to their rooms, or if they left the church, all I know is that I'm alone, that was until I hear a noise behind me. I quickly turn,

"Whose there?"


Crap... She heard me. I had to l knock over that stand. I normal don't come downstairs but when I saw this girl run in the church, I couldn't stop myself from seeing what was happening. First I just saw her fight with Leo and it was amazing. I don't know how a girl, a gypsy, a beautiful gypsy with long snow white hair and light blue eyes. It was hard not to watch her as she fought with Leo, and form what I could tell, he was having fun with her, did he like her?

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