Red and Oliver arrived at Alexis's house an hour later. Oliver jumped out of the car and ran over to the elevator. Red ran after him. They got inside Alexis house and started to search for the case files. "There was this guy in the crowd at the bombings and the murder. I know I've seen him before."
"What did he look like?" Red asked looking in the living room.
"Tall, brown hair, he smoked, and had a bit of a beard."
"Sound like half the people in the city."
"It was the same guy. I know him but I can't remember."
"That makes sense."
"His name started with a R. I've seen him after the crime scenes."
"Do you think he's connected to Lucifer?"
"He could be. If he's got her then he probably knows who he is at the very least."
Oliver lifted the mattress. There was a notebook and a case file under the mattress. "Red, I found something."
"Okay, I'm coming."
Oliver opened the case file. Oliver started looking though the pile. There was a guy circled in red marker with a question mark above it. He was in everyone of the photos from the three cases.
"That's Ray," Red said pointing at the guy. "He's suspected to be working with Lucifer. If anyone has your girl it would be him he has a reputation for kidnapping cops.
"Where is it?" Oliver said, looking though a list of suspects. "Here it is, Ray lance. That's the guy she was with!"
"Who and when?"
"Alexis when she broke me out, she was with this guy I thought I knew him."
Oliver kept reading the file and found out that he was suspected of killing five cops but they had no evidence and that he would kidnap them. Oliver noticed his brothers name was one of the cops that was kidnapped but was never found. "Red! Now I remember." Oliver thought about the night his brother went missing.

"Hey hot shot!" Oliver's brother yelled walking into Oliver's apartment. "Hey James" Oliver yelled from the kitchen.
"Heard you passed the detective test and that you had the highest mark."
James walked in to the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge.
"Stealing my beer and yeah I had good mark but I almost got beat by this girl named Alexis. I had half a mark better."
"Nice. Is this girl hot?" James asked Oliver, and handed him a beer.
"Yeah she's gorgeous."
"My dear brother you got a crush on a girl!" James smiled and grabbed a plate of food.
"What no!" Oliver yelled "just eat your pizza." James laughed "whatever, Oliver." They finished their pizza and went to a bar.
"So your driving right." James asked Oliver.
"Yeah sure but I'm a little bit tired."
They talked for a few hours and Oliver paid the bartender.
"That was fun we have to do that more often" Oliver said getting in the drivers seat.
"Yeah" James said.
Oliver and James were singing along with a song on the radio. Then one of their headlights just stopped working.
Oliver didn't notice cuz he was singing and he would just glance at the road. They were on an back road in the country. "Haha we suck at singing" James said when the song ended.
Oliver just smiled and looked back at the road. "Why is there no light on the drivers side?" Oliver asked James.
"Who knows. Oh I love this song."
Oliver just laughs at James as he starts singing.
"Oliver." James yells.
Oliver looked back at the road. There was a person on the road so Oliver slammed on the brakes but the breaks didn't work. He tried to swerves but it's to late. Oliver just watched as he hit the guy. The guy rolls over the car and smashes the windshield. Oliver and James are covered in glass. Oliver try's the brakes again but they still didn't work. In front of them is a corner that has a drop off into the river. He try's the emergency brake but it also doesn't work so Oliver reaches over to the door on James's side and opens it. "Get out!" Oliver yelled at James. James unbuckle himself and jumped out just before the corner. James rolls around in the dirt and stops near the edge of the road. He looks over the edge to see Oliver jumping out while the car is in mid-air. Oliver try's to reach out to anything that would catch him but he just falls into the water. James gets up and brushes himself off, then runs over to the guy that they hit and checks his pulse. The guys pulse was faint. James looked over the edge and called 911 from the guys cellphone because his was smashed from getting out of the car.
"911 what's your emergency?" The person on the phone says.
"My name is James I hit someone with my car and my car went over the cliff with someone in it" James said.
"Okay where are you?"
James told the operator everything except that James was driving not Oliver. "Hey what's your name?" James asked they guy.
"Lance. Ray lance." They guy said
"Cool, mines James Aiden."

Two weeks later
Oliver woke up in the hospital a couple weeks later. "Hey, Oliver." Alexis said walking over to him.
"Hi" Oliver said.
"Do you know where your brother is?"
"No? I just woke up. Where am I?"
"Your in the hospital."
"Why are you looking for James?"
"Your brother has been missing for a week."
"What?!" Oliver yelled sitting up really fast.
"Whoa you should lay back down. We are doing everything we can to find him." Alexis said putting a hand on his chest trying to get him to lay down.
Oliver laid back down. "By that you mean you have no clue where he is and there is no evidence that he was kidnapped so I was your last resort. I'm a detective so you don't have to treat me like some kid." Oliver said sitting back up.
"Your a detective?"
"Yeah. What day is it?"
"It's September 20th and your a detective?"
"Yes. I'm Oliver Adain. I have to go."
Oliver started getting out of bed and grabbed his clothes off of the chair.
"You shouldn't do that."
"What are going to arrest me for putting on clothes?" Oliver asked with a smile. Alexis just shook her head and headed for the door.
"Hey can I get a ride to my place?" Oliver asked the person.
"Hurry up" Alexis said and left.
Oliver changed into his clothes that were covered in blood and dirt. He didn't have a shirt on because his shirt was cut off of him. He signed himself out of the hospital and found Alexis.
"What's your name?" Oliver asked getting in the car.
"Your were at the training camp?"
"Yes. I'm the girl that almost beat you."
Alexis smiled.
"Nobody can beat me."
"Cocky? why don't you have a shirt on?"
"Mine was cut off of me when they brought me back to life and I'm not cocky just telling the truth."
Alexis dropped Oliver off at his house. Two weeks later. They found out that James was kidnapped and that the person was Ray lance the person Oliver ran over that night.

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