"Okay. I trust you." I say as I keep the lotus flower tightly to my stomach. Bekah looks at me, waiting for me to start. I close my eyes and begin chanting the spell Rebekah told me to chant. Within thirty seconds or so, I feel my hands warm up as the lotus flower glows with my energy in it's petals. I continue chanting as I let the beautiful flower float down from my hands and fall into the vase full of water. When it lands onto the water, a orange fire ignites. "Does this mean I'm not pregnant?" I ask Bekah curiously as I look at her in the eyes.

Bekah looks down and picks up the vase in her hands. "Not exactly, love." Rebekah says as she holds up the vase, a pinkish, reddish fire now burning in the vase, it even turns some of the remaining water pink, making me almost burst out into tears.

"No... Aunt Bekah I must have done something wrong this can't be right. I refuse to believe that I'm actually pregnant. It's not the right time. I'm too young! No, no it's not right!" I sob as I look at her desperately as the pink flame begins to die down. Aunt Bekah just looks like she's stuck in between a rock and a hard place.

"Hope Miranda Mikaelson, look at me." Bekah says as she places her hands on my face and makes her look at me. I look at her through my tear clouded eyes as I whimper quietly. "This is not the end of your life I promise you. I will be here to guide you through it. But right now you need to settle down and catch your breath before you start thinking any further ahead than you already are." Aunt Rebekah says in a calm voice in an attempt to calm me down. I just look at her and nod my head. This doesn't even feel real. But it is. The reality of the situation is that I'm pregnant with Kai's child, no ifs, ands or butts about it.


Penelope's P.O.V.
I drive down the road on my way to the grocery store to do some shopping before the kids get home from school in a few hours. I drown out my thoughts with the music from the radio that blasts throughout my car. I continue driving, clearing my thoughts, that is until my phone starts to ring in my purse. I reach over to the passenger side seat and reach into my purse so that I can answer my phone.

"Hello?" I answer as I hold my phone up to my ear and drive with one hand.

"Hi, this is principal Hannigan with Mystic Falls High. May I speak with Mr. and Mrs. Mikaelson please?" The lady principal asks on the other line.

"Um, Mr. Mikaelson is unavailable right now but you have the undivided attention of Mrs. Mikaelson." I tell her as my interest peaks as to why the principal of my children's school is calling me.

"That's perfect! I just wanted to call you and let you know that you need to come get Niklaus from school this afternoon." She tells me as I furrow my eyebrows.

"Is Nik okay?" I ask the principal concerned as I feel my heart speed up.

"Um well, this afternoon Niklaus got into a fight at school and I would like you to come here and discuss with me and then you can take him home." Mrs. Hannigan says, keeping her cool tone.

"Of course! I'll be there as soon as possible." I say as I make a quick U-turn and head back towards the school. I hope that Nik is okay, because the last thing this family needs right now is someone beating up on any of us, or at least attempting to beat up on us.


I walk into the school and quickly head to the principal's office in a tizzy, wanting to be able to see NJ as soon as possible. I walk in and see him and Faith sitting next to each other. Blood stains his clothes and skin. His usually soft blue eyes are harsh as he has his blood covered fists clenched. His cheeks and his eyes are blood splattered, but I know the blood isn't his. He doesn't have a cut or scrap on him which indicates to me that he beat someone mercilessly.

Loving Hope (Third book to The Little Wolf series)Where stories live. Discover now