The woman of the forest

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Yōsei left the house at full sprint, the rain poured down her back, Okami by her side. She knew every rock, root, and tree in this forest, and she could feel the blood even from here. It was the blood of the murdered, a break in the cycle of life that lived in this forest, the forest cried out in anger, she could feel it. Her feet felt the mud that splattered at her touch, she could have kept this pace for a good while, after all, one needed to be fit in this forest. Okami started to go ahead of her, she could feel his grief, and his fear, the two spirit wolves she had lost had been his litter mates, and they had been close since the beginning. There was the sense of blood lust that now echoed through the forest, and she began to run faster, her toes pushing into the earth, the storm raged above her. The woods were awaking, a thought that sent fear into her heart and soul.

    She nearly ran in Okami when he stopped suddenly, but she leaped over him, skidding to a halt, she had kept her balance even after almost slipping on the mud. She knew from the smell of blood that Okami had found his brothers, she could feel the pain that now radiated from his soul. The grief that now came from his sky blue eyes nearly brought tears to her eyes.

    "With luck, we will see them again, fear not Okami, for some where, they will be born again." She told the wolf, who burrowed his head into her side, a whine nearly brought tears to her eyes. She noticed that Sunekosuri was still alive, but just barely. Her hands went to his yellow fur, his white patches tainted red, she knew that who ever had done had skillfully punctured all of his vital points. Beside her, Okami let loose a mournful howl, which echoed through the forest. Above her Tengu let his cry be heard, she could hear his wings even against the storm that raged against the land. She sent hormones to Sunekosuri's mind, calming him and his raging mind. She began to sing an old lullaby, one that had been sung to her by her own mother. "Four little angels in a field of gold. Forged with a bond that would never die. Four little angels on their way to the battleground. The fourth little angel on her horse of white and snow. With her hand follows a storm of oil and strife. To take and take and make all hers. Engrossed by both greed and grief. The third little angel with his horse of red and blood. Leaving a trail of gore and tears. He wishes many things for us to leave. His eyes glowing with both hate and regret. The second little angel on his horse of black and coal. His senses no longer blinded by need. In his hands gold and greed. But with empty eyes does he lead his steed. The first little angel on her horse of ashen and bone. Tears of the lost have stained her face. Followed by the other three and her hand that leads. Her hand holds steal and iron that reaps all she sees. Four little angels on the way to war. Released by god's left hand. Guided by the heroes sword. To leave no one left on the promise day" by the time she finished singing, Sunekosuri was dead, but unlike his brother, his soul left peacefully, his mind calm. It was all she could give back to them in the end, a peaceful death and song to help them move along. She opened her mind to Okami, and filtered though his grief and rage.

Can you smell them. She asked mentally, taking on some of the pain that cluttered the spirit wolf's mind. She could take the damage, and she wanted nothing more then to heal the poor wolf's state of mind.

No, blood too thick. He replied, only adding to her theory. There was a possibility that they had killed a Hibagon and stolen its skin, mixing it with that of a Hyōsube-Kappa, and with it they could produce a cloak that would keep them hidden from all. Such a cloak was incredibly rare, with a hidden weakness that she only knew about.

Is it possible that they are using a cloak? She asked, and Okami's head wiped away from his fallen brothers, his eyes wide with both anger and shock. The spirit wolf saw that she was serious, and his eyes then narrowed.

Blood too thick, rain too heavy, do not know. He said again, and Yōshi scowled, but a small idea filtered into her mind, it took root, and her eyes glanced to the dark corners of the woods.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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