Apart of the family.

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Bai Luo Yin opened his eyes.

The room was full of a delicious aroma, like a mix of ingredients and spices. Every morning he bought food on the way to his classes or his work shift because home made meals in the morning was unexpected for him.  He closed his eyes again, and turned onto his other side. He figured it must just be someone on the street below him cooking food on a cart. 

Gu Hai cleared his throat. 

Is this boy going to remain sleeping?!

Gu Hai cleared his throat again, and leaned his right arm down onto the bed with all of the weight in his body. Bai Luo Yin's eyes were still so peacefully shut, as his head laid gently against the pillow.  The pillow was so soft to Bai Luo Yin that he truly did not want to wake up.

Gu Hai exhaled loudly, and looked down at the plate that he had placed beside Bai Luo Yin on the bed.  He had cooked Bai Luo Yin a delicious meal to welcome him into his home, and to prove to him that he only had intentions on being friendly.  This was a peace offering to Bai Luo Yin, however, he had remained deeply in his sleep.  Gu Hai chuckled deeply and looked down at him, he was not a person that could go unnoticed!  He thought that he had such a strong personality and anyone could feel it when he were near, even when he was in a coma. 

Gu Hai cleared his throat one last time, then spoke, "Bai Luo Yin, ahh, are you going to keep sleeping there? Wake up, it's already morning time,"  Gu Hai shook Bai Luo Yin, but he was so stiff and unwilling to move that Bai Luo Yin didn't move an inch.

"You're stubborn even as you sleep? Wake up," Gu Hai said again.

"I'm just going to sleep here a little longer," Bai Luo Yin says, and switches to his other side.  Gu Hai looks at Bai Luo Yin.  The white sheat barely covered Bai Luo Yin, exposing Bai Luo Yin's torso that wore a thin tshirt. Gu Hai looked at every inch that he could see, admiring the way his body seemed to curve.  Bai Luo Yin truly had a perfect body.

"Bai Luo Yin, I cooked a meal for you.  Taste it," He said.

Bai Luo Yin looked over at him, with one eye open, then closed his open eye.

"What did you cook?" He asked.

"Wake up and look. You'll be pleasantly surprised by my cooking skills," Gu Hai smiled and scooped a spoon ful of rice with meat, and brought it to Bai Luo Yin's mouth, "Open up" He said. Truthfully, Bai Luo Yin was uncomfortable, and was hestitant.  He didn't understand why Gu Hai had to feed it to him, because he could feed himself. However, when he thought of it, he did not think that it was such a bad idea.  It just a simple act.

Bai Luo Yin looked at him, then opened his eyes. 

Gu Hai fed Bai Luo Yin the food, and watched him closely for his reaction.  Bai Luo Yin nodded, and pulled his body up so his back was pressed against the head board, "So, is it good?" Gu Hai asked.

"Not...Bad. It taste just fine," Bai Luo Yin said and pulled the plate into his lap.  Gu Hai was actually the one pleasantly surprised.  Not because Bai Luo Yin liked the meal, but because Bai Luo Yin didn't reject it. 

"It does, doesn't it? Eat it all." Gu Hai says, and leans back on his elbow.  He doesn't waste a moment in staring at Bai Luo Yin, watching him eat the meal he made for him to his heart content.  Bai Luo Yin didn't bother glancing at Gu Hai, although he could feel his eyes glued to his face.  Gu Hai's heart felt content by just simply being next to Bai Luo Yin, without understanding the reason why.  He didn't know much about Bai Luo Yin, like his background or his favorite meal, but he knew that he liked him.  How much he liked him was also a completely different situation, because he had not even thought about it that much.  He didn't think it was necessary.

"Did you sleep well?" Gu Hai asked.

Bai Luo Yin dropped the spoon onto the plate and looked at Gu Hai "I slept decently," Bai Luo Yin said and stretched his body out.  His white shirt lifted up pass his belly button, exposing his toned stomach. 

"Decently?  Tell me all the details, was it too cold, too warm?  Is the mattress comfortable enough for you, and are the sheets soft enough?  I can get it replaced"

"You..." Bai Luo Yin shakes his head, then inches towards Gu Hai, and reads the time that was on his watch.  It was 9:20 a.m.!  He was scheduled for work at one of his part time jobs at 9:00 a.m. and he was laying in bed eating breakfast! He would for sure get fired now.

Bai Luo Yin quickly gets out of the bed and searches throughout the room for his clothing. However, he couldn't find it, and even if he did find it, he couldn't possibly wear it again today! He was definitely cursing Gu Hai in his mind, because now he was in deep trouble. 

"Hey, hey, where are you going?" Gu Hai asks.  He stands up, and follows closely behind Bai Luo Yin," You haven't finished eating your meal."

"I'm late for my part time job," Bai Luo Yin says.

"Part time job? Am I not offering enough to you? If you have an expense you need to pay for, I can simply give you a card and you will not need to work a part time job.  Actually, tonight, there is a dinner engagement with my father we both need to intend," Gu Hai says as his large hand holds Bai Lou Yin's wrist tightly.  He pulls Bai Luo Yin to the bed, and pushes him down onto it.

"Eat your breakfast, then we will go shopping for new clothing for you.  After tonight, you will be apart of my family."

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