The mother's lullably

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"Are you human, Gu Hai?" Bai Luo Yin spoke. His voice was stern, yet cold and harsh at the same time. His eyes were an exact match to the cold manner in his tone of voice, cold and harsh. Gu Hai only ever found disinterest in Bai Luo Yin's eyes, one that would typically push people to a distance. But Gu Hai was not a person that could be easily pushed away, and when he found something - or someone that he found particularly interesting he would not shy away.

"Why wouldn't I be a human?" Gu Hai's lips twitched, ready to create the form of a grin, however he maintained just as much of a cold look as Bai Luo Yin. His insides wanted to laugh- tease Bai Luo Yin a little more and see how close to the edge he could bring him, but his mind told him that Bai Luo Yin was only challenging him to win him over. He was serious about wanting to move Bai Luo Yin, and Gu Hai was a smart boy and understood a serious goal must be met with a serious effort.

"Well you don't act like one! " Bai Luo Yin said. He drifted his eyes away, as to avoid making any eye contact with Gu Hai. He couldn't help but to think that this person was so foul, that he did not want to even look him in the eyes. However, there was a slight feeling in his heart that told him it would be alright if he accepted his offer and even that made him feel ashamed to look him in the eyes. Bai Luo Yin wasn't a person that accepted things from others that had a motive, but he wondered why he shouldn't accept it. If Gu Hai were willing, why would he decline it so strictly?

Bai Luo Yin started to think to himself.

The amount of money given to him from Gu Hai was more money than his own home. There were countless things he could gain from Gu Hai's scheme.

"You are considering it now, right ?"

Bai Luo Yin could not hide it easily that he was deep in his thoughts. He even mouthed his thoughts, proving that Gu Hai was correct.

"Don't speak to me. If you speak to me, I'll kill you! Don't come into the room. If you come into the room, I'll kill you! Don't look at me. If you look at me, I'll kill you!"

Gu Hai laughed loudly.

Don't look at you? Are you that petty, and bothered by me, that I can not even look at you? Who here is inhuman....

"You don't want me to look at you, huh? Then maybe you should stay out of my sight Bai Luo Yin, because my eyes will always drift to you.  Ah, if you don't like it, I will provide facial reconstruction surgery so that you will not be so handsome or attract my eyes, " Gu Hai raised his eye brow, waiting for Bai Luo Yin's come back and challenging him to respond as powerfully as he knows that he can. 

"You are really this ruthless? Should I change my mind right now, and break off our engagement so soon? If so, tell me right now and I will be on my way, but if not... Don't even put me in your thoughts! It is too foul and strange there. "

"How would you know how foul and strange my thoughts are? I think you are judging me too harshly Bai Luo Yin. Just because I find you handsome, that is foul and strange? You can't accept compliments easily Bai Luo Yin, I figure you are not experienced. " Gu Hai didn't even seem to be afraid by his threat because he continued to play with him.  It was like Bai Luo Yin was a child's game and Gu Hai was the child.

"Don't even think of me Gu Hai! I don't want to be in thoughts of you.  So pitiful." Bai Luo Yin glanced at the long hallway that presumably held his endless amount of bedrooms.  Bai Luo Yin felt very eager to get into a room and away from Gu Hai as soon as possible.  He could feel Gu Hai thinking about him, and how desperately he wanted to look at him. Truthfully he was surprised that he did not break the rules already and look at him. 

"Are you interested in what room will be yours? I have four- three that are empty, so go and take your pick.  Choose the one that is most comfortable for you, but choose wisely. Think of the view from the window, the size, the temperature. " Bai Luo Yin ignored Gu Hai and walked down the hallway.

The apartment was nicely decorated.  There were paintings along the walls and the furniture was very expensive.  Gu Hai seemed to truly like buying extravagant and fancy things, making it easy for him to understand why he was so willing to give large amounts of money to him.  He found it quite silly that he would clearly spend so much money on useless things, but couldn't deny that his apartment was similar to his own taste.

Bai Luo Yin went into each room and looked at it carefully.  Each room was of a decent size, with a good view, and seemed to have the exact temperature.  He wasn't sure that any room would be better than other, so he choose the very first room in the hallway. It was the one furthest from Gu Hai's presumed room.

He wasn't aware that Gu Hai was following closely behind him, watching as he examined which room he would want.  He also wasn't surprised by his choice, and even understood why Bai Luo Yin would choose that one.  But he couldn't understand why Bai Luo Yin was so against the idea of getting close to him. Gu Hai thought of himself as being  a funny person with a good personality, and while he knew several people found him to be unapproachable he still thought he could hold a good conversation. He wished that Bai Luo Yin would no longer be so difficult and just accept him. 

"If you choose the room furthest from me, what will happen if there are robbers? You will be the first to get hurt, and I won't come to your side in time. Actually, now that I think of it, the best place for you to be is in my room. Let's go. It's time to sleep. "

"If it's time to sleep, then go sleep! Don't allow me to interrupt your rest.  " Bai Luo Yin walked into the room, Gu Hai following him.  He wasn't much concerned with a loss of sleep, he was concerned with being so far away from Bai Luo Yin. He was beginning to wonder why he had so many rooms. He should only have one. 

"Ill stay in here until you are asleep. Lay down.  I'll sing you a lullaby.  Name me the song that your mother sang to you as a child and I will take her place."

"My mother didn't sing me a lullaby. I didn't have a mother to sing to me." Bai Luo Yin said.

"Then I'll sing you the song my mother sang to me as a child-"

"Do you want to die right now? Go into your own room before I really kill you! I was so kind to give you threats, now I will simply do it." Gu Hai grinned slightly then nodded his head.

If tonight isn't the night that Bai Luo Yin accepts him he will only be stronger on the future. His name isn't Gu Hai if it wasn't. 

"Good night Bai Luo Yin. If you're cold in the night, lay under the blankets with me, I'll keep you war-"

"Fuck off!"

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