"Neither am I !" jordan said

"I have no place in this. thats yall fight so yall duke that shit out! im just done with jayla" i said

i drove to all the mall I could possibly drove to and let them pick out things for the ball . jayla wanted jordan to come so i took hime to a tuxedo boutique so i could get one for him and for me. Right across was the dresses. i saw jayla walked in and walked out mad as hell.

"Daddy can we find another dress boutique to go to. that one wasnt no good.! "jayla said

i knew she was lying to me but its fine anyways.

"you and your father are worthless shits"

"i hate you"

"i fucking wanna kill your for touching my daughter


i looked around and saw nobady but a mad jalya and puzzled friends. i kept hearing those shit and want to know who it was. I dropped my tuxedo and walked out the boutique and saw jayla's mother (Aralyn) with ahdeajah and adderen! I look her and she stormed came to me.

"Tell your daughter--"

"Nawh uh, our daughter ! You brought her Into this world and now I'm taking care of her so don't come to me with shit like that but your daughter. Come clean and we can have a conversation correctly!" I said

"Fuck you Kyle and your child !" She said

I raised my hand to slapped her but I didn't. I wish I did

"Don't your ever talk about my daughter like that. At least she ain't nothing like you daughter and she will never be. I wish i had just hit you because that's what hoes get for disrespecting!"

"Fuck you Kyle ! Fuck you !" She screamed in my face

"Aralyn you already did and over. You fucked me and over ! " I said

"Look I don't have time to play games!" She said

"Aralyn you played me like you playing XbOX! I never thought a woman could deprive someone like that and do shot like that! I know men because we men but female naw. You prolly a man!" I said

"Well you fucked a man!" She said

I hummed.

"Look, you see that beat of a daughter you have over there tell her don't touch my child ever again because I will come after her!" She said

"Tell her yourself! Jayla come here !"

She came and stood next to me and mugged her sister and mother off!

"Your mother wants to tell you something!"I said

"Look jayla , you touched my daughter-" she began and jayla stopped her

"I didn't touch you daughter I beat the fuck out of her. Blood or nah, she needa have respect. Teach your daughter the shit you will never ever get to teach me because she needs to learn them and the fact the family comes before friends! She dissed me first with bullshit and I showed her whose boss!" Jalya said

Aralyn laughed and said "you got your father mentality but your just like me! You took everything from me just not my color or hair. You got that Caribbean good good but other than that you got me running all in your veins ! "

"Jayla walked away and I walked off with her. Adderen came behind us and told me " Kyle don't you ever diss my mama home boii!"

"Run you little dirty ass to your mama , boii looking like trinidad james / fucking cheif keef with that dirty ass 60s Afro !" I said

Jayla sat way to the other side of the store looking like she Finna cry. I walked over to her and sat next to her.

"Jay , baby let me tell you something. True love is hard to find even I can't find it. What happen between you , Aralyn and I ain't nobady ever gonna understand but I want you to. We didn't love each other that's why we grew hate instead of love. What really grew for me is you. I love you baby girl and ain't nothing can change that!" I said

"Daddy its ok! You don't have to explain. Everything happen for a reason!" She said

Jayla I'm sorry for hitting you it's just I'm tired of the disrespect every single day. You make me feel like a bad parent!" I said

"No daddy I'm sorry! I'm sorry for all the stress because I know it's a lot anyways. I'm sorry for the rudeness it's just that I feel like so Lonely! I'm just sorry !" She said

I smiled and hugged her

"Jalya I'm your father so I expect things like that from you but you see those girls over there I think the apology is really for them. You see him to, one for him. Their your friends and dont ever let them witness you talk to me like that ever again." I said

She got up hugged me and kissed me and went to her friends.

*all good things come to an end




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