Kidnapped part 2

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Astrid's POV
They kept me in that cell for at least a week, after my visit with hiccup. Or was it two, I don't remember. I sat up against the wall holding my neck they bandaged it but it still hurt. I forgot about the pain,thinking about what was happening to hiccup after that stunt. They probably have beaten him half to death, I closed my eyes at that thought. Hiccup all cut up bruised in pain, why does it have to be him.

I smiled at the though of us in the treehouse. He trusted me enough to show me it his special place.I grew mad, they thought of me as an object, and they tore hiccup from me! Before that I was happy and never wanted that kiss to end. Why couldn't they have let us be, I wanted that kiss to last longer than it did.Wait, what?! Well Astrid when you like someone you wish for things to happen! I thought to myself.

The cell door swung open, revealing the person I have thought about these long hours........
*************************************Hiccups  POV
"Worthless piece of shit!" Dagar yelled kicking and punching me. I was hanging from the ceiling with my hands chained together and my feet dangling. I had cuts all across my bare chest, deep wounds. My face was bruised along with my ribs, I think two ribs were broken. Dagar yelled and cut me with his knife even more. This was probably my last day on earth, at least I spent some time with Astrid, even if it was just five minutes.

"Are you even listening to me?!"

I looked down at Dagar " yes"

"And have you learned your lesson? To not touch what is mine!"

I knew the only way to make him leave so I could get free. So I nodded and he left, as soon as the door shut I turned into a wolf. Because the cuffs were meant for a human my paws slipped right through. I landed on my feet and turned back to a human. I wobbled for a minute but then gained strength again.  I grabbed my  shirt that was on the floor next to me, astrid can't see these cuts until we are out of here. I put it on and slowly opened the door holding the knife Dagar left. I stepped out and there were no guards, anywhere. That was strange after what happened, I guess it was because of the whole beating me thing. I made my way down the hall to Astrid's cell and noticed the first aid kit next to her door on a table. I'll need this when we get out of here.

"He's excepted!"

My eyes popped out of my head they knew I was gone. I swung the door open and rushed in.

"Astrid we need to leave, now!"

She looked up at me with shock written all  over her face. She sprung to the air and hugged me really tight. I flinched sucking air between my teeth, she quickly let go looking at me with open arms.

"No time to explain, come on!" I grabbed her hand and sprinted out the door. She followed me and we found what for had an exit sign on it . I pushed on the door hard opening it, we were in the woods but they looked familiar, I ran as fast as I could with Astrid behind me.

"We aren't fast enough, turn into a wolf!"

I turned into a wolf and looked back to Astrid who was still running as a human but then turned to a wolf. We ran faster dogging every tree, there was so much adrenalin running through me, that I didn't even notice the high tide river. I slipped on mud trying to stop and failed, Astrid bit my tail trying to help but she ended up sliding too. We rolled into the fast river, I tried to swim against it but it wasn't working, I struggled trying to look for Astrid but nothing.

I spotted her struggling for dear life, she went under and didn't come back up! I swam under and noticed her getting washed away. She wasn't struggling, she must have hit her head. I swam with the current getting closer to her and when I caught up to her.... There was a waterfall. I grabbed her and pushed her on my back to push her on my back, trying to swim against the current..... We went over. It was all a blur I didn't know where she was I looked through the water at the bottom (in human form) but couldn't find her. I climbed to the shore to rest but notice a familiar blonde laying on the bank. I ran to her and placed my fingers on her neck to find a pulse. She still had a pulse, but it was slow, I started doing CPR, it's been a minute now.

"Cough, cough"( that's what she does I don't know the sound effect so that's what you get.)

She coughed up water and then sat up holding her head.

"Thank Thor your ok!" I hugged her tight but not to tight, I don't want to suffocate her. We pulled apart and looked each other in the eyes, she stopped coughing so that was good. We stood up and looked around, I didn't really know where we were. It was getting dark, they are probably looking for us.

"We should set up camp for the night."

She looked at me and then sighed, "let's see what we can find." She walked toward the waterfall and I walked the other direction.

*************************************time skip to 10 minutes
"Hey hiccup! I found a cave behind the waterfall!" I walked to the waterfall and climbed behind it Astrid was already checking the place out. I looked behind me we can't see through the waterfall, so it's a safe place to camp. Astrid sat down on the floor and I sat next to her she set her he'd on my shoulder and I put my head on her head.  There was little light left, so I started gathering sticks that were in the cave, and Astrid found rocks to keep the fire under control. She made a circle with the rocks and I put the sticks in. I started a fire with two rocks and laid back up against a rock. Astrid sat next to me and put her head on my chest I wrapped my arm around her waist and held her close.

She tilted her head up to look at me and I looked at her. I leaned forward and softly kissed her lips, she leaned into it. She sat up not breaking our kiss, and put her arms around my neck I wrapped my arms around her waist. We broke apart after a minute she placed her head on my forehead and we stayed like that for a minute then she laid back down on my chest. The fire went out and we fell asleep.

Soooo, what did you think? I hoped you enjoyed it I will have a chapter up tomorrow or Wednesday! The wolf at the top is Astrid, Bye!!!

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