The Troublesome Twosome Date

Start from the beginning

I got up and wore some black skinny jeans, a black tank top and a D&G jacket over it. It was pretty cold outside, and I sure did not wish to get hypothermia. I pulled my hair into a bun, not bothered about them. I never liked hairstyling, and I could never do it. My phone buzzed, signaling a new text.

(Salman text) meet at Sohail’s suite.

(Liz text) leaving out the door now…

I entered the room and saw Salman, Sohail and Z sitting on the couches.

“Z! When did you get here?” I asked, hugging her. Her birth name was Zahara, but call her Z unless you wanted to break a few bones. She was Sohail’s girlfriend, and also an upcoming fashion designer.

“Hey girl. I came in for a surprise. So, where are you going? And I love the boots!”  She chimed. She was the bubbly, girly, pinky kinds. Her designs reflected her personality, too. Maybe that’s the reason I didn’t like her new collection much. But, I loved her!

“Great. And thanks. And I’m going on a date.” I sat on the arm of the couch.

“NO you aren’t!” Sohail glanced towards me, eyebrows furrowed.

“But I have permission! I asked Salman and he was fine.” I frowned. This was gonna be fun.

“Yea, she asked me dude.” Salman said, catching on with me. Now, the drama starts.

“What the fu…hell! You can’t let her go on a date. With a boy. In Tokyo. In the evening.” Boy was he terrified at the thought.

“So, it’s fine if I go on a date with a girl, in States, at night?” I asked, acting innocent.

“I did not mean that!” he yelled.

“Lee, tell something about your date to Sohail.” Salman clued.

“Ok. He is a little older than me. More than a decade older. But how does that matter, right? We really love each other. And he is in the show business, too! You know him!” I told Sohail, clearly indicating Salman.

“A decade?” his eyes were wide in horror.

“Yup.” I nodded, popping the p.

“Remember Sohail, one 8-pack dude? The most wanted one?” Salman added on, having as much fun as me. And oh, how he loved to talk about himself.

“Have you fucking lost your pea sized brain Salman? You are letting her go on a date with HIM? I still don’t know who it is, but he sounds…Shit man. Bloody hell!” Sohail cursed, and walked around the room. That was it. We two burst out laughing.

“What is so fucking funny?!” he yelled, and even the guards came in. I was running out of breath, watching him go hysterical over our little drama.

“Y-your face!” I managed, between the laughter attacks.

“Dude! You still don’t get it?” Salman laughed, going over to him.

“We two are going on a date.” He grinned pointing at himself and then me.

Sohail’s expression? Priceless. He was angry, shocked, confused, disgusted, sad, and happy all at the same time.

“So this… I, you…You are horrible!” he exclaimed. “I was outraged. I was gonna punch you. Seriously.”

“I love doing this.” I giggled, catching hold of the arm chair so I didn’t fall off laughing more.

“You lil girl. I’m gonna deal with you later. Just wait.” He shot daggers at me, and I gulped.

“I’m gonna pretend everything that happened was normal, and sit here.” Z mumbled, looking at us.

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