September 11, 2016

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     Ok, so its Saturday. YAY! And I'm going to Sean's house! YAY! Hold on he is gonna pick me up and I'll write in you when I get back.

      Ok, I'm back. So as soon as he got here his super pretty sister and his mom stared at like me like my hair was on fire. Than they started whispering. Than they looked at me and gave me a  strong smile. Sean waved at me and got out of the car. He approached me real smooth and than he said "So our house is about thirteen minute away." Than he gave me a weak smile. "That's fine, I travel a lot." I said looking down at the wet ground. And he told me about his dogs as we walked to the car.

     We arrived at his house and it was HUGE!
He walked me in and we went to his bedroom. Wow, is he spoiled! I cant believe how rich he is. He got out his binder from his book bag "Do you have yours?" He said wiggling his binder " Yup! Wouldn't forget it." I said. "Let's go to the family room. Its quiet in there." He said. "Ok. Don't we only have math?" I asked "Yeah but math ain't me strong subject." He said "And I've been told you are good at math. And I saw that you have an A+   on your review Monday." He led me to his family room. It had lots of statues and paintings of his ancestors.  "So I have number one and two done." I said taking out my homework. "Here you could copy the ones I got than we could do the other ones." Than I realized he was staring at me. "What is there something in my teeth?" I joked. "Oh, sorry I was lost in your... Never mind." He said a little embarrassed.

Than a huge dog came running and jumped on Sean and licked all over his face. "Get. Off. Rover!" He said giggling. I just sat there smiling and laughing.

Than we finishes our homework. And played video games with his sister. When my mom came to pick me up Sean gave me a big hug and said "Bye.See you Monday!" OMG! Well gots to go.....BYE!

Drama In Maddie's DiaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora