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Ok ya'll, I have some things to catch you up on before I start.

1) There is a guy on my bus. His name is Pasha. He is from Russia. He looks strangely like Chekov with the golden hair that is curly at the front. He's amazing and was born in Russia!!!! He was inwented in Russia!!!

2) I have something to share. I have a twin set friends that were born on June 19. This makes me almost cry every time I see them. Please comment the feeeels if you know why...

3) I figured out my Mom, Dad, and 17 year old guy friend are all TREKKIES. My mom was wearing her Star Trek shirt that has the Enterprise on it. She's claimed she's had it for years, but I don't remember it! :)

Dats all I can think of right now to catch you up with, but more might come. The picture up top is, yes, Star Wars, but I relate to it so much I had to out it on here. I can't find the other picture I wanted to show you guys, but it says 'I think all Star Trek fans should unite with Star Wars fans against Twilight fans.' Sorry for any Twilight fans I may have offended...XD

And this would be if Chekov had lived in the US when he was little (BUT STILL HAS AN ACCENT BECAUSE OF HIS PARENTS)

"Pawvel, I'm gunna love you foreva, you know dat, wright?" You held Pavel's small hands in your own.

"Da. Lowve you forewva, (y/n)," He replied back, giving you a quick 5 year old kiss on the cheek.

"(Y/N)! IT'S TIME TO GO!" You heard your mom yell. Tears swelled in your eyes.

"B-bwye P-pasha...I hope I see you agan swoon..." You choked out as your mother came over and pulled you away from your friend.

"(Y/n)!!! I WILL NEWVA FORGET YOU!" You heard Pavel cry as you drove away in your car.

You cried the whole way to your new house. Your mom kept on trying to calm you down, but you just couldn't. You and Pasha had been friends since you were born really, so leaving him behind wasn't going to be the easiest thing ever. Even when you were at your house, and had unpacked your stuff, you refused to come out of your room from crying except to eat. You eventually began to cry yourself to sleep until you felt your could cry for no longer. You were only 5, of course. Breaking a friendship as close as you and Pavel's was not a good idea. But by the time you were 6 you had stopped crying yourself to sleep, but still mourned moving so far away from him. When you were 7, you missed him but tried not to think about it. By the time you were graduating elementary school, he was more of a delicate memory that was only taken out every once and a while to see and think about. In middle school, it's almost as if he wasn't there. High school, he was just a wisp of your childhood you just didn't forget.

It took a whole lot of convincing, but your parents finally let you join Star-Fleet. You were going to be a bit young, and had gotten out of high-school early because you were so smart. You got so excited and then thought about Pavel. Really thought. What would he say? You were friends for such a short time, would he be thinking of you? What would he say to you joining Star-Fleet? But you stopped thinking about it so that you could go upstairs and began to pack up so that you could move in to your dorm soon. You danced around as you played the song I'm So Excited by the Pointer Sisters. When you had all of your stuff, you could hardly sleep as you were ready to go tomorrow. You thought about Pavel one more time, then drifted off to sleep.


I layed in bed that night, thinking about Star-Fleet. And (y/n). We had been apart for so long, I doubted she even remembered me. I had never forgotten her, and the day she left was still fresh in my mind. She was after all, the first girl I had kissed. I had packed up all my stuff including the picture of her and I. I found it when I was cleaning my room one day and decided to keep it until I saw her again. I went to bed that night thinking about her, what she was doing, and how she would be if I ever saw her again.

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