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You swung another massive punch, but it was deflected. A fist came straight at your eyes, and you barely ducked in time. You were down on your knees, and so you punched right for the stomach. Direct hit. He flew back but came raging back forward. You weren't ready for it, and the kick stung your chest like a hornet. You hit the wall behind you and it knocked the wind out of your lungs. You only had a moment to rest. But the next blow to the face cut you short. The metallic taste of blood dripped into your mouth.

"W-wait-" You started. But he had no mercy. Your nose almost busted at the next punch.

"You didn't tell me...YOU'RE A MONSTER!" He screamed. Where was the rest of the crew when you needed them?

He stopped abruptly. You could faintly see that he was talking with someone else. Tears then started to rush down your face and mix in with the blood. It hurt to breath. You closed your eyes. Then you heard a punch, then hoped whoever was talking to didn't just get slugged. Someone rushed over to you.

"(y/n)? (y/n) why aren't you responding?" The obviously male person said. It wasn't him.

"mmm...mmhmm..." You muffled out. It turned out it hurt to speak as well.

You winced in pain when the boy picked you up. Your ear was pressed against his chest. You listened to the racing of his heartbeat. It then slowed down. Your eyes were still closed, but then you were let go of and put on a bed. Your eyes shot open. Above you stood the navigator.

"W-where-" He puts a finger to your lips.

"You're going to be fine. Just calm down," He leaned down and planted a soft kiss on your lips.

You sighed with relief. But then you remembered. Why you had gotten yourself into this in the first place. You were a shape-shifter. Could change into anything, even an exact replica of someone. You wanted to tell Chekov why you had been fighting with your friend- well, ex-friend, now- in the first place. You reached up to tug on his shirt.

"Hmm?" He looks down from talking to the doctor.

"I-I have s-somthing to tell you. I-I'm not who you th-think I am..."

He smiled. "Of course you are. You are ze smart, funny, helpful (y/n). I have always been able to see zat."

You smiled sadly. Though, it hurt to smile, so you stopped quickly. "No. I'm a...I am a....Shape-shifter." You looked up at him, expecting to see surprise and horror. Instead, he just smiled.

"I knew zere was somezing special about you, but I could never put my finger on it. Guess now I know. But out of curiosity, are you in your true form?" 

You nodded. Then you started to hurt again. "P-pavel?"


You sighed. "Thank you. So much. I would be maybe dead if it wasn't for you."

He smiled. "You know, I have something to say too."


"I just realized you can never have your period if you change into a boy right when it starts."

If you weren't down on a medbay bed, half dead, and just lost one of your close friends, you would have laughed your guts out. But you tried, really tried to bring out a good, genuine smile. It didn't hurt when you did. 

Some smiles, true smiles, never hurt.


Go eat some Jesus DonutsEverybody go eat some Jesus Donuts. :3 story for another time.

Anyway, I hope you all are well, and go check out my new book! (AND EVERY F**KING TIME I TRY TO TYPE IN CHECK I START TO TYPE CHEKOV :) :) XD XD XD) It's called "Parenting Problems on the Enterprise". Basically, I love writing one shots, so I wanted to make a book for you all where YOU are the main character. That's right, YOU. I would suggest this for all, but especially for all die-heart Chekov fans. Got it? That means read it. Now. I'm going to have slow updates, but this is it for a little. Come on, you have a little time, right? Yeah. I'm talking to you. One who lays in bed at 2 in the morning on a school night with nothing to do. Uh-huh. I know it all.

But seriously, go read it.

...I mean it...


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