"Why do you have pink boxers?" I asked with a laugh.

"Birthday present from Alice," he said as he sat up and looked at me.

  I chuckled and pulled on the pair of grey skinny jeans he laid out and the white Blink 182 shirt. I smiled and looked at him. He was bouncing up and down on his butt, humming along to the music.

"You're too cute. You know that right?" I asked, lightly laughing.

"No such thing as too cute just extraordinary!" He beamed.

"Conceited much?" I joked.

  He laughed and jumped off the bed before I could react he had tackled me to the ground. I squirmed underneath him, trying to get free, which made him get the bright idea to start tickling my sides. I squealed and tried to get away from him. He continued to tickle me until the doorbell interrupted and he got up and ran down the stairs. I followed close behind him and waited for him to bring in the pizza that was outside the door. When Jack said goodbye to the delivery person and came back in the house I squealed in delight and took the box from him. He laughed and followed me as I ran upstairs with our lunch. I jumped on his bed and opened the box. The glorious smell crashed into my face like a wave of pure joy. I grabbed a slice and started eating not even waiting for Jack to sit and get his own food.

"Thanks for waiting for me," he said sarcastically as he grabbed a slice of pizza and sat beside me.

  I didn't bother to responding because I was too busy stuffing my face with another piece. He just rolled his eyes and continued eating.


Jack's POV

  After lunch we went over to Alice's to make plans for the party at Andrew's tomorrow. Alice was going on about what she should wear and Alex was eating whatever type of snack Alice had in her room. That boy loves food I'm shocked there's room for him to love me when there's so much food in the world.

"How can you be eating again?" I asked with a laugh.

"Food gives me energy and I need energy if we're party planning," he responded as he took another bite of the granola bar he found on the desk.


  Hours passed by and Alice finally decided on an outfit. Alex fell asleep after all the food was gone. Andrew showed up for party planning and I pretended to pay attention. By the time Alex and I left it was it was almost ten. I walked Alex back to his house and after a long goodbye and a goodnight kiss I walked to my house.


  The following day was slow up until Alice, Alex and I started driving to Andrew's house to help prepare for the party. Andrew had put up streamers randomly through the whole downstairs of the house. The kitchen was stocked full of snacks and different types of drinks including alcohol of course. Alice was running from room to room with a huge smile on her face. We've been to Andrew's house once or twice, but we weren't allowed to look around because his dad was home and we couldn't disturb him.  To be honest we're all kind of afraid of Andrew's dad. The only time I've seen him was when I worked at the music store with Alex and Andrew. He wasn't horrible, but he wasn't nice. He was pleasant to customers, but to us he was a major dick. Andrew said he's been like that since his mom died. I guess he couldn't get over her death and that's why he's so mean. I can understand my dad's starting to act like that.

  My dad's never been the best dad to begin with, but he tried at first. When things started going downhill he just ignored me. And when my mom died he was nice to me for a while and now he's back to ignoring me. I don't mind because it just gives me more alone time. I'm not mad at my dad for being such a shitty father. I'm not mad at all.  If I didn't have this roller coaster life I probably wouldn't have known Alice and I wouldn't be with Alex. I would have probably been some douche bag that wears hollister that only likes rap music and ends up in a career that sucks.       I'm glad my life is the way it is. I'm glad I don't know what I want in the future. I'm happy with how things are even though my home life isn't the best. I know people have it worse so I try to look on the bright side and stay positive. I have some of the best people in my life and I wouldn't want it any other way.

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