Life with Fred Weasley Chapter 1

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"Fred!" Harry whisper yelled as he neared the secret passage that he and the Weasley twin had been secretly meeting in for the past year.

"Yes, Harrikins?" Fred's voice came from behind him. Harry jumped and held his hand over his heart.

"Merlin! Fred, don't do that!" The younger teen hissed. Fred pressed his lips lightly to Harry's and smirked.

"Sorry, love. Couldn't help it." the red-head admitted. "I need to tell you something, Harry."

Harry's heart dropped at that, the way he said that couldn't be good. "What's wrong?" Worry colored his voice.

Fred sighed, "It's not...bad...per say...GeorgeandIareleavingHogwarts!" The last of the line came out in a rush.

"What was that? Can you speak a little slower?" Harry asked with an edge of amusement to his tone.

Fred rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically but he slowly got the words out. "George and I...well, we're leaving Hogwarts."

Harry looked at Fred wide-eyed, "Does this have to do with Umbridge? Because I don't know if I can handle her without you!"

Fred took Harry's hand in his own and sighed, "Listen Harry, I love you more than you could ever know...but...George and I brought a store in Diagon Alley and we really don't have any reason to stay. The only reason why we're still here is because I wouldn't leave without getting any kind of response from you."

"Fred...I-" As Harry was speaking he saw dots dance across his vision before his world went dark.

Fred cursed and grabbed Harry before he hit the ground. He picked the teen up bridal style and carried him to the hospital wing. "Madame Pomphrey!" he shouted.

"What in the world-" The matron started before she gasped when she saw Harry. "Place him on the bed! Quickly Mr. Weasley!" The twin did as she asked but stayed by the green-eyed boys side as the Madame Pomphrey ran some tests.

When she was done Fred was itching for some answers, "Is he alright? Is he gonna be okay?"

Madame Pomphrey gave him a small, tired, smile. "He'll be fine, Mr. Weasley. Just a bit over stressed in his condition."

Fred looked at her confused, "What condition?"

She smirked, "I'll have to wait till Mr. Potter awakens before I can give that information Mr. Weasley."

Fred nodded slowly before kissing Harry's hand lovingly. Madame Pomphrey gave a smirk as she headed back into her office for the night. Normally she would have told Fred to leave and let Harry get some rest but this was something they needed to hear together.

The next morning Harry woke up to the bright lights of the infirmary. He felt a warm breathing on his right arm and he looked down and smiled when he saw Fred sleeping there. Suddenly his thoughts turned to what had happened the night before and he frowned, what was wrong with him?

"Ah, Mr. Potter, finally awake I see!" Madame Pomphrey said startling Fred awake.

"Wha-? Wha' 'appened?" He asked with a yawn.

"I know some of these questions may seem...intimate...but please answer them as best as you can so I can determine what is wrong." Harry nodded skeptically. "Alright, have you had intercourse with anyone recently?"

Harry and Fred blushed a Weasley red and they nodded. "About how long ago was that?"

"A-a few weeks?" he said, thought it sounded like a question as he turned to look at Fred.

Madame Pomphrey nodded and continued with her questioning, "Did you use contraception?"

Harry and Fred both shook their heads at this, frowns on their faces. "I-I don't think so."

Life with Fred WeasleyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin