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It was 4:30 when my nightmare woke me up. My breathing and heartbeat returned to normal at 5:00. I needed to clear my head. I went to stand up, but a hand grabbed my arm.

"Stella? Where are you going?"

"I'm just getting a glass of water, I'll be back in a second." I replied.

"You have a water bottle sitting right there." she said, pointing to my dresser where there was, in fact, a full water bottle.

"Oh, I forgot that was there."

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing's wrong."

She sighed and rested her head on her hand. "Don't lie to me." She patted the bed. "Come back to bed. Please?"

I hesitated, but I just couldn't say no to that face. I sighed before climbing back into bed, leaving a little space between us. She grabbed my arm and tugged me closer, wrapping her arm around my waist.

"What's wrong?" she asked again.

I shook my head. "Nothing's wrong."

She held out her middle finger. "Middle finger swear?"

I held my middle finger and was about to hook it when she pulled her finger away. "You know you can't break these, right?"

I paused, then brought my hand down on the bed.

She dropped her hand. It was quiet before she spoke up. "Are you not going to tell me?"

I shook my head.

"Please! I want you to know you can tell me when something's wrong."

"...It's nothing...just a few nightmares."

She tilted her head at me. "How many is a few?"

"...a lot. It's nothing to worry about though. I have them all the time."

"What are they about?"

I shook my head again.


I kept my head down. She placed her hand on my cheek and lifted my head up to look at her. "Are they about Rick?"

"No...I'm sorry Alayna. I just...I can't tell you. Not right now. I will, but not right now, okay?"

She stared at me, then stuck her middle finger back up. "Middle finger swear?"

I smiled and hooked my middle finger with hers. "Middle finger swear."


"Alllllaaaaaayyyynnnaaa...Allllaaaayyynnnaaa, come on! You gotta wake up!"

I was sitting on the bed, shaking Alayna, trying to wake her up for school. She groaned and covered her face with the blanket. I smirked and grabbed the edge of the blanket and pulled it down quickly, placing my lips on hers. I pulled away, smiling. Her face was bright red and her eyes were wide.

I laughed. "Well, that got you up."

"Shut up!"

I stood up and walked to the closet pulling out a blue flannel and black jeans.

I looked over at Alayna, who was slowly getting up. "Pick whatever you want to wear."

I walked to the corner of the room while she walked to the closet. I started to get changed with my back toward her. Once I was done, I turned back around and saw Alayna pulling one of my shirts down over her head, with a blush on her face.

In Love With A Straight GirlWhere stories live. Discover now