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The next day, Alayna never left my side. If Adam came up to her, she would tell him she wanted to hang out with us. I wouldn't let her go even if she wanted to. I have lost complete trust with Adam. That douchebag had no right to do what he did. He made Alayna scared to eat. She said that every time she ate, she thought about what he said and it made me sick. He made me sick.

When it was lunchtime, I insisted on buying Alayna her food. We sat down at our table and Alayna chose to sit beside me. I started eating and paused to look at her. She wasn't eating. She was picking at her food with her fork. I reached under the table and grabbed her hand. She jumped and looked at me.

"It's okay, don't worry about him. Just eat." I told her.

She nodded and took a couple bites of her food. Thankfully, Dylan started up a conversation and soon, we were all laughing and eating. Alayna even finished her food before Dylan. Now that's an accomplishment. Before we knew it, the bell rang and we were forced to go to our next class. I stood up and grabbed my empty tray and was about to take hers, when a hand grabbed mine. I looked up and saw Adam standing over me. He was squeezing my hand very tightly. He narrowed his eyes.

"Who's tray is this?"

I tried pulling my hand free, but he just squeezed harder, yanking my arm. "Answer me!"

By now, the entire lunch room was empty. Me, Alayna, and Adam were the only ones there.

"Adam! Let her go! Stop!" Alayna said.

"Shut up!" he yelled.

"DON'T YOU TELL HER TO SHUT UP!" I screamed. "You have no right to tell her anything!"

"I do have a right because I'm her boyfriend." he sneered.

"You don't deserve to be." I said.

His eyes widened. He let go of my arm, grabbed my shirt, and slammed me into the wall.

"What did you say to me?!"

I didn't answer him. I glanced at Alayna and saw her standing there with tears in her eyes.

'Does he do this to her?' I thought. God I hope not.

"Nobody speaks to me like that. I deserve Alayna. Every...little...bit." he said.

I looked back at him. "Apparently not, since you're starving her because you think she's fat."

I saw Alayna flinch at my words. Does he seriously call her that? Oooh, I was hating his ass more and more.

I received a hard punch to the stomach. I lost my breath and kneeled over. He straightened me back up and punched me four more times. Alayna ran up to him and grabbed his arm. "STOP IT! SHE DOESNT DESERVE THIS! SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!"

I slumped over when the punching stopped. My sides hurt so bad. It hurt to breath. I heard a yell. I looked up and saw Alayna laying on the floor, holding her face. Adam was standing over her. "You're a little bitch! You know that? What else did you tell her?"

He kicked her in the ribs. She screamed. I slowly got to my feet. I walked over to Adam, who was still kicking her, and jumped on top of him. He stumbled backwards and fell down. I got on top of him and started pounding my fist into his face. There was blood coming out of his nose and his lip was busted and I didn't plan on stopping. This bastard deserved to die. I kept punching till I felt a hand grab my arm. I immediately stopped.

"Stella, stop! He's done!"

I looked behind me and saw Alayna, crying. Her left cheek was red from where Adam had slapped her. I shakily got off of Adam, who was groaning and turned to Alayna. I grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the cafeteria. I kept walking until we were outside the school.

"Stella? Where are we going?"

"My house. Don't worry, my parents won't be there."

She didn't reply, so I looked over my shoulder. Her eyes were on the ground, while she was allowing me to drag her. We walked all the way to my house and by then, my body was killing me.

I unlocked the door and walked inside. I led her to the kitchen and had her sit down. I went to the freezer and grabbed two ice packs and walked to where she was sitting. I gently placed an ice pack over her cheek, which was slowly bruising. "Here, hold this there so it won't swell up."

She nodded and did as I said. I placed the other pack on my side and winced as I felt the sting from the cold. We stood in silence until she spoke. "You shouldn't have done that."

"Done what?" I asked in a quiet voice.

"You know excatly what! You shouldn't have made me eat! You shouldn't have stood up for me! You shouldn't have helped me!"

"Shouldn't have helped you?! Of course I would help you! I wasn't going to just watched you be hurt like this!"


I stood up straighter, ignoring the pain in my ribs. "That's not true."

"Yes it is!" she said. She was crying now. "No one gives a fuck about what happens to one ever has...that's why I started dating Adam...I-I thought he cared about me."

I placed the ice pack down and walked up to her. "None of that is true. People do care about you. Dylan, Scar, Kristen, and I...I care about you."

"Stop saying that! You don't care about me!"

"Yes I do!"

"How?! How could you possibly care about me?!" she asked.

"Because I...."

"What? Because of what?"

I held my tongue.

"Tell me Stella!"




She froze. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped. "What?"

Oh shit.

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