Colours (Part II)

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He laughs in response and says, "You are fucking welcome. I'm going back to Jesy's and plan your wedding."

"Fuck you."

"You mean, fuck her?"

"Get outta here." Jade almost growled.

"My princess is growing fast!" Harry yells as he runs away from her before he gets punched.

"Okay, Jadey, you've got this." Jade muttered to herself, "it's not like you kinda fancy her or anything."


Harry, walking away from Jade, grabbed his phone from his pocket and immediately texted Jesy.

jesy's bitch🐶
Operation jerrie is a go.

queen herself 💁👑
good job you haven't fucked up this one thing
im proud of u.

jesy's bitch🐶
shut up
be grateful i helped you

queen herself 💁👑
i am. The queen is thankful.
now come here and leave them alone.
help me with chemistry.

Read, 7:42 p.m.


Meanwhile, Perrie was still hyperventilating in her room. She was no longer frozen in place, but she was still very much in shock and it hasn't sunk in yet that she was holding Jade's wallet captive. Perrie feels like she's committed a crime or something. Back and forth, she paced, stepping on her fluffy robe that was currently on the floor, where a couple more of her clothing were scattered around (she wasn't the best at cleaning. Or organising.)

She eyed the worn out wallet carefully, resisting the urge to open it and see if it had any pictures inside. No Perrie, she scolded herself in her head, that's an invasion of privacy.

Thud, thud, thud.


"That was the door, wasn't it? This is bad. What do I say? What do I do?" Perrie panicked under her breath, her eyes scrutinising every inch of her room. "Shit!"

Scattered clothes on the floor, unmade bed, her desk was a mess too, she was in her pyjamas, her hair's a disaster, she hasn't got any makeup on, Jesus, she looks like the dead, not very flattering at all. Oh no, her living room! Her laundry's scattered about! And her doctor who pillow was on the sofa too! She's gotta hide it. Wait, she should probably answer the door. But makeup first!

She rushed in her bathroom, grabbing her mascara and chapstick, just to look a bit presentable, yeah? This is absolutely embarrassing, Perrie felt like crying.

Thud, thud, thud, thud!

"Coming!" She replied to the knocking and rushed out the bathroom as soon as she finished putting on chapstick. She hurried to the door, the mess that is called her apartment forgotten as she reminded herself repeatedly to breathe and don't forget her name.


Oh my gods, Jade Thirlwall just spoke to her and said hi.

"Hiya." She replied, her grin a little too wide, and she immediately felt awkward. Seeing Jade up close almost made her faint at how gorgeous the girl is.

"Um, my mate, Harry might've left my wallet here, see he kinda stole it and I saw him run in here, so I kinda assumed he left it here since he didn't have it with him." Jade said, and Perrie was mesmerised at the Geordie's lips, how she talked, so it took her a moment to realise Jade actually said something.

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