I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "He just talked."

She nodded. 

"Jenna, what if he takes over while we're live?" My head started filling with what if's about Blurry.

"Let's just hope that doesn't happen." She replied, placing a hand on my shoulder. She flashed a sympathetic smile before getting up and going to the fridge. "Want anything while I'm up?" 

"Um.. Just a water please." I mumbled.

She walked back and handed me a bottle of water. I mumbled a thanks before getting lost in my thoughts again. 

"Come on," She started, putting her hand on my shoulder and flashing me a half smile. "let's go to bed." She rubbed her hand on my shoulder a few times before standing up. 

I got up and followed her a few minutes later. 

"Where're you going?

My head snapped to the direction of the couch only to see Blurryface sitting there. I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to bed. That okay with you?"

"No, why would you wanna go to bed this early? It's only 12:30!

"Yeah, and I have a lot to do tomorrow, so I need to get to sleep."

"Screw sleep!"

I rolled my eyes and walked towards the bunks. When I got to the entrance to the small area, I was stopped by Blurry standing there. 

"What?" I sighed.

"I said screw sleep."

"And I said I need sleep. Get outta the way." 

"Bossy, aren't we?"

"Persistent, aren't we?"

"Sit." He pointed to the couch. 

"No, let me though." 

"No, sit."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not winning this, am I?"

He shook his head. "Nope. Sit.

Sighing, I walked over to the couch. "What do you want?" 

"Same thing I've always wanted.

"Still? We're not having this argument again." 

"You're not stopping me this time. If you can't tell, I'm a lot stronger than I was evleven years ago."

"Obviously. Eleven years ago I couldn't see you." I paused, thinking for a second. "Except that one night when I took Jenna out."

"Congrats for remembering." He stated sarcastically. "We don't have to fight about this. All you have to do is stop fighting me and make this a lot easier for the both of us."

"No. This isn't like eleven years ago. I've made a fan base, I've got a job that requires people seeing me. They'd know if it wasn't me. And I've kinda got a wife who hates you."

"Who cares what they want or think. If you give me what I want I won't keep tormenting you.

"That's cause you'd basically be getting rid of me." 

"I don't hear the issue here."

"I don't really want to be held hostage in my own body for the rest of my life."

"Our body. You kinda share it with me."

"I haven't for the last eleven years."

"I gave you a generous break from me. You got to live your life, now it's my turn."

"You don't have a life! Out of the two of us, I'm the one that's made an mark on the world. Most people have forgotten about you, and I'd like to keep it that way."

"Who cares what you want? You got what you wanted for eleven years."

"Thousands of millions of people care what I want, what I think, and about me."

"And a bunch of people only know who you are cause you've had two hits. Two."

"Shut up. Lots of people started listening to more of our music because of those two hits. Plus we've got another song on the radio. It'll probably be a hit pretty soon." 

"Lots of people hate you."

"Lots of people hate you too! What's your point?"

"My point is give me what I want, and nothing bad will happen. Don't and I'll be your worst nightmare again."

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