Babies For Everyone

Start from the beginning

"What can we can, growing babies." Dani said as I pointed and she tossed me the empty bottle.

"I'm gonna have to do dishes tonight when you crash." I said boping her tiny nose as she gargled.

"Yes you're going to fall asleep, you sleep more then I do." I said as she gargled again her legs kicking.

Yet they still didn't hurt at all.

"She's never gonna sleep, she's gonna stay up all night." Jess teased as I raised a eyebrow.

"She'll fall asleep in like an hour maybe an hour and a half." I said as Dani pointed at me.

"It is getting that time, they only have like 45 minutes." She said as I nodded at her in reply.

"I know you little ones, you can't fool me." I said softly as she stayed quiet in my arms.

"Nah man." Dan said as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Stick to Jess man." I said as I walked away to the play pin.

"Which won do you want." I asked her softly as she sat by herself.

Well almost I had a soft hand on her small back. She pointed to the stuffed purple bunny and i smiled briefly.

"That's my girl." I said as I lifted her up and set her on my hip again.

I grabbed the bunny handing it to her and she held it in her small hands. I don't know why she liked the thing so much.

But if it made her happy then I was all for it. Her bright eyes followed it and moved it around a little.

She gargled quietly and I couldn't understand it at all but left it alone as I went back in the kitchen.

"She is like obsessed with that bunny, I don't even know why but she is." Dani said as I nodded and she just kept playing.

"I don't know either, I also don't care if she likes it." I said as she pointed at me in reply.

"Very good point, I'm amazed she can even hold that thing." Dani said as I shrugged looking at the baby.

Still gargling quietly her eyes trained on the purple bunny. She was so small but then again she was a strongest.

"Doesn't matter really." I said as she looked up at me from the bunny.

Her eyes so bright and so big, also hard to resist.

"Yes." I asked her as she let off a small gargle and I kissed her cheek.

She just stayed still as Dan pulled something out of pocket to hand to me Dani. She smiled her other hand busy as she held up Seb.

"It looks good guys." She agreed as I was then given the photo.

The ultrasound photo, you could see the babies were getting bigger and it was nice. They looked very heathy and normal as I smiled a little.

Almost forgetting about Scarlett who gargled loudly.

"Yes baby." I said as she gargled again pointing at the pictures.

"It's your cousins, there getting big now huh." I said softly as she gargled quietly back to her bunny.

"Looks good guys." I said as I gave the picture back and Jess smiled.

"Now if only I stopped gaining weight we'd be good." She said as I rolled my eyes at her.

"Shut up weirdo." I said as she shrugged at me.

"Just saying, my clothes are beginning not to fit." She said as I rolled my eyes at her.

I decided to stay quiet as there was a small thud and Scarlett stopped the bunny. She pointed at it as she looked at me gargling.

"I'll get the bunny." I said as I leaned down to pick it up and handed it back to her.

She took it smiling the toothless smile and gargling quietly.

"She already has him under her thumb." Dan said as we rolled our eyes at him.

"It's my child, and she's really cute," I said as Dani pointed at me grinning.

"That's a smart Josh," Dani said as I rolled my eyes.

"Of course Danielle." I said as she scowled at her full name.

"You know I hate that Joshua." She said as I shrugged and leaned back more.

Moving the baby up more as she held onto the bunny tightly. Looking at the clock I realized I had been 45 minutes.

"We've got to take a nap huh, it's that time of the day," I said softly as I walked away from the counter knowing Dani was following.

Going to the nursery and turning on the light as the baby looked at me funny.

"Yes you." I said as I set her down in the crib.

She looked up at me with her brightly eyes Gargling since I stole the bunny briefly.

"You can have it in a minute." I said as I pulled off the bottom of the white onesie to change her.

Only to redo it and set the blanket over her small body. She was getting bigger but not that much she was still small.

I could see her legs kick as I whistled a little grabbing the pacifier. Giving it to her as it moved in her mouth and I chuckled a little.

"So you can't gargle." I said putting the bunny next to her.

Her small hands grabbed it holding it tightly as I adjusted the blankets.

"Sleep tight." I said kissing her forehead as I shut off the light leaving the room.

I didn't forget Dani coming in a minute later. She was gone maybe 5 minutes and left shutting off the lights again.

"And now we wait." She agreed as I kissed her briefly.

"Maybe we can nap also," I asked as she rolled her eyes.

"Let's not get to hopeful." She said as I shrugged and we went back in the kitchen.

"They out." Jess asked as I leaned towards the sink again.

"Probably not, it usually takes a few minutes." I said as I went to the app on my phone.

Yeah it was an app, it was pretty cool too. It simply showed the both of them laying down eyes blinking slowly. We pretty tired in the first place.

The Accidental Babies (Hart #1)Where stories live. Discover now