Chapter 10.Bombstrike

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Ok before I start this chapter I want you guys to look at the photo above

Don't cheat look!!!!!!

"What?"I screeched as I heard the amazing news.

"We were going to surprise you by coming early."my friend Jodi said.
"I know the wedding is in like two more weeks but we decided to come early to visit you."

"When will you be at the airport?"I ask into the phone.

"Maybe around some time in the morning tomorrow?Riley,Lula,Sydney,and every one else is asleep don't tell them I told you,K?"she says letting out a yuan.

"Ok I promise!"I say crossing my fingers

"Well night Aaylyn  I'll see you soon!"she says tiredly.

"Night!"I call back as she hanged up.

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"It's  almost 12:00 and I can't sleep so I get out my laptop and get on YouTube and watch
"Miraculous Ladybug."a show about a teen age girl who is a superhero,and I wouldn't call him a sidekick I'd say partner,Chat Noir I think he is so cool like his cat aclisum and Plagg he's just so cool!

I scroll down and pick out my favorite Episode "Episode 9. Evilastrator" my favorite Villein of all beside Darth Vader of course!!

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Hours past I watch more Episodes my eyes get heavy and I finally lay down my head.


"Mornin Darlin!"Ben say's kissing me on the check as we both walk to class together.

"Morning!hey Ben I'm going to have to leave in a bit I have to go pick up my friends at the airport."I say as we walk into the biology room.

"Well you know were to find me!"He says setting his stuff down and we sit be each other.

"Well it'll only take two hours or so."I say getting out my homework.

I look around the class room seeing not a lot of people are here yet and that we have time to talk.

Mrs.Bershop sat at her desk reading over her lesson plain.
Jessy and Malinda walk in and sit at the desk in front of us.
They turned around and did what every friend dose and made kissy faces.

"Shut Up"I say playfully.

They continue on.......

_____on way to airport_____

"Ok which station are you at?"I ask Riley through the phone.

"We are in B2."she says

"Ok I'll be there in around five minutes."

"See ya till thin!"she says hanging no up.

I turn the music up and begin to sing the lyrics to "Kokomo."By the Beach Boys my all time favorite song/Band!

"Aruba Jamaica ohh I wana take ya down to Kokomo,we'll get there fast thin we'll take it slow.thats were we wana go,down to Kokomo."

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