chapter6.few months later

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The bond between me and Ben has been getting stronger every day.
yesterday he said he loved me and I answered back saying I love you to Ben.
I turn around and see Ben walking up behind me.
"Hi Ben!"I call back.

"Hey I need some help on my Math care to help?"he asked grabbing me by the waist.

"Sure where do we meet at?"

"How bout your Dorm?"he asked me.
"The library is going to be meagerly full and my dorm well my other roomies are having some people over, plus it's not the cleanest place."he says

"Sure we can do my dorm my roomies are going to the library to study."

"Ok I'll see you in a bit."
He says buzzing off to dorm to get his stuff.

~Time laps~

"See and that would be 25.5."
I say pointing to one of the math problems.

"Aaylen one of the resins I wanted your help was to learn more about you?"he said looking me in the eyes.

"Well what do you wana know?"I as him playfully punching him in the shoulder.

"Like what you like to eat?your secrets?were you used to live?whats your favorite book?whats your favorite class?whats you favored color?"he said coming in a little closer to me.

"Eat baked spaghetti,used to live Oklahoma,favorite book Survivors series, class um that's a hard one I got to say band!and color is dark blue.i say catching my breath.

"Ta ta taut you forgot one".he said putting his finger in front of my face.

"You forgot your secrets."he said shooting me a funny look.

"Are you shore you wana know?"I say thinking of my ability to change into a animal.

"Shoot!"he said getting up from my bed.
"Ok but can you go into the bathroom thin I'll tell you when to come out."I say pointing to the bathroom.

"Ok?"he said very confused and started to walk into the bath room.

He walk into the the bathroom and closes the door.
I close my eyes and think of the first animal that pops into my mind.
I open my eyes and look down at my self and I look at my red fur.
Oh I hope this is a good idea "Ok you can come out now." I say sitting on the bed.

He comes out and his eyes grow big at the sight of me.

"WOW Aaylen I didn't know you had a pet fox?"he said coming over to me and petting me between the ears.

"NO Ben I don't have a pet fox I am the fox."I say backing up from him.

His eyes widen he opens his eyes to yell.

"NO Ben PEZ don't yell."I say walking up to him.
He ruffles his hair with his eyes still wide.

"Aaylen this better be a joke."
He said looking around the room.

"Ben you asked for my secret and I gave you it."tears came down my furry cheek.

I close my eyes and turn in to a human agin.

"I'v had this ability for a month now I'v only uses it one or twice and I'm scared."

I stand in front of him.

"Your right I asked for your secret now it's time for mine."he says smiling a bit.
He steps back, My eyes widen at the sight of him picking up my dresser with on hand.
My eyes widen,super strength.
"Wow Ben that's a AWSOME power."
He sets down the dresser.

"Ya I'm glad I found some one that's a person similar to me."
I run up to him and run in to his chest and hug him.
His arms rap around me tears run down my cheek.
His hand strokes my hair.
His finger hooks under my chin I look up at him.
He pulls me closer our eyes meet.
Our eyes trail off to each other's lips,he leans in to me and our lips meet.
My arms wrap around his neck and his around my waist.
It felt like we were standing there for ever.

I break off to catch my breath I'm breathing very heavily now.
I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes.
He knows I had to at least tell some one about my skin changing ability,my friends don't count there my BFF's I had to.

"You know Ben my Birth Day is in a few days mind going to the movies with me?"I say looking up at him,what drives me crazy about him is that he is just so tall.
Were the perfect match.
"What do you want for your birthday?"Ben said looking down at me.
"Well I do need a good dinner other than a greasy hamburger from the cafeteria?"I say rapping my arms around him once more.
"I think I can do that where might you like to eat?"he said placing his hands on my waist agin.
"How about your uncles place I could go for a baked spaghetti?"
I bring him down closer to me.
"I think I can do that?and maybe hit the movies thin the lake?"he asks bending down to my eye level.
"I think that will do just fine!"and I pull him in for another kiss.

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