Chapter5.being a animal

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When I woke up,I couldn't see very well,but it is very bumpy.
when my vision came in to focus I could see that there's medal bars,I'm in a rectangular box with small holes in the side it looks like a carrier that you put animals in.
I got up thro the bars and see that I'm in the back of what looks like a animal exterminator's van.

there was a tall fat man in the driver seat and in the passenger seat is a short skinny man.
beside me was more crate's by me,there was a cat,dog,raccoon,and two possum's.
the dog was howling, the cat sleeping, raccoon was grooming it's self, and both possums were huddled in the corner of there small cage. I look at my hands only to find paws instead, for some resin I squeal in stead of yell, I have a tail a long orange tail with some white at the end.when I first looked at my hands I knew what animal I was i'ma fox. agin I may a loud high sound squeal.
"SHUT UP..."the driver yelled.
we came to a stop.
the men got out, the van doors opened,one of the men grabbed my cage he basically turned me up side down.
my face was being squished into the bars.
the man sat the cage down and opened the cage,he grabbed me by the scruff.
I tried to bite him but he smacked my in the nozzle.he put me in a larger cage made with chicken wire.
He basically throwed me on the cement.the air was nocked out of me, I growled at him.
ok so how am I a fox."gasp"the chemicals when they combined.
the last thing I thought was a fox maybe if I think of a different animal I can be that.
i take a moment and just sit there thinking about what I should do?I closed my eyes and thought really hard.
mouse,mouse,mouse.I thought really hard on a mouse. When I opened my eyes I felt the same.
I look at my paws and my paws are no longer black, there skin with four toes.
i'm a mouse,a small gray mouse.
i am now small enough to fit though the chicken wire.
I run over to the exit of the cage I slip through, I stand in my back feet, the door exit is like a mile away.what should I turn into?
ya know I'll just turn in to the fox agin.
I think of the fox agin.I open my eyes and I'm a fox agin.
I sneak over to the door."oh great I didn't make a plain of how to get out."I say out loud.

"Psss fox."I look at the cat.
"how you get outa there?"he asks.
I'm surprised I can speak to other animals."come on Cheka how you get out?"he says agin."

"sorry have to go."I say.

"hay wait....."he says.
the dog starts to bark at me, the door on the other side of the room opens,it's the tall fat one."SHUT UP....what in the world?"he looks at me.
"how in the world did you get out?"he says grabbing a net.

"Fred grab a net we have a breach."the short fat man came running out from behind him, they both grabbed a net and came running towards me.
What animal can I turn in to to get out of this is say dogging the net.
a cat not just a ordinary house cat a lynx, its  not to big it's not to big and it's not to small, once more I close my eyes and think of the Lynx, I feel a net land over me, then a gasp of non understanding.
I open my eyes and I'm a large tan cat, I give them a loud growl,they back up.
the door opens and there stands Mr.Hamile.

i fling the net off of me."what is going on?"he says.
as quickly as I can,I zoom out the door."seya suckers!"I yell at them.
"wait..."Mr.Hamile yells.I look back at him,you can see confusion and determent's I his face."did you just speak?"he asks.
"You herd me?"I ask him.

"yes I did."He steps closer to me.he steps closer one more time and I turn in to a bird,I fly off.
I fly high I can see the college and our room the window is open I can just fly in.I get to the our window and walk in,I hit the floor and turn in to a fox agin, I hear a shriek.

I Look up and I see Jessy on her bed filled with fear."Jessy it's me Aaylen."her eyes get wide.
"It talks the fox talks."her voice was filled with sacredness and confusion."Jessy its me,it's Aaylen."I say getting closer to her.
"Aaylen?"she says getting closer to the edge of the bed.
"Aaylen what happened to you you've been missing for hours."the door came open,
"any thing from Aaylen?"Malinda asks, "whow,is that the fox that was in the chemistry room?"she says stepping back."

"Ya it's Aaylen!!"Jessy says.
"Jessy are you on drugs?"Malinda asks.
"no I'm not".she said looking quite stunned.
I walk up to Malinda,"Malinda its me Aaylen."

"It can talk?she looked at me very confused.

"what happened to you?"Jessy asked."the chemicals in the lab combined and exploded."I said hopping on to her bed.
"Well now what do we do?"Malinda asked siting on the bed and stroking my fur.
"have you even tried to turn in to human?"Jessy asks.well I never thought about that I say hopping off the bed.
all of the sudden it hit me,I look up at my friends."What if I'm naked when it turn to human?"
"well that might be a problem."Malinda said.
"Well too be safe I'm going to get some clothes and go into the bathroom.I may need some help getting my clothes."I say walking over to my drawers and trying to open them.
"I'll help".Jessy says getting up from her bed and opening my drawer and got put underwear,sweatpants,and a large T-shirt.

I grab the clothing in my mouth, I go into the bathroom and shut the door.
I sat my clothes on the floor and stepped away from it.
I closed my eyes and thought about being a human.
a weird feeling came through me.
before I opened my eyes I felt my stomach.
I felt my T-shirt I opened my eyes and I wearing my clothes I had on before I was turned in to a animal.

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