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I don't really know what I'm doing for my project just adding random chemicals.the science fair is going on in three hours.Ms.Maris aloud me to work on it while she went for her throat is killing me right now.
we are not aloud to have food or drinks in the class room.the only thing you can do is that over there in the back of the class room is a water fountain.

Would never drink from it though.
the project next from me is a kid named Joel he is a science crazy nerd.if you try to move he's stuff he slaps you on the hand,and it really hurts.

any ways I have a few hours to finish my project, me and Joel got the weirdest desk in class,mine is slitty taller than his.
I moved my hand to grab a tall bottle of a yellow colored chemical I grabbed it and as I moved my elbow back a wide blue chemical container fell in to a container of Joel's the chemical was red.
our chemicals mix turning it purple.

"oh no..."panic flowed through me.I got off the stool and looked into the tube I don't sniff it cause that's a main health code violation.

I went to move my head back and,Ka Pow Boom.
a Explosion went off in front of me the fumes entered through my nose and mouth.all of the sudden I was thinking of animals my mind scrolled through them and finally landed on the fox,my mind was set on it the redness of its fur the slyness of them,I remember that they are my favorite animal.and before the picture came into perfect view every thing went black.and I blacked out on the floor.
Cliff hanger!!!

Yes i know it is a short chapter sorry...

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