Chapter 2

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On the way to the hospital, Finn called Carole and Burt, who met them at the hospital. 

"What exactly, happened, Finn?" Burt asked as Carole hugged Sam's crying girlfriend.  Carole listened to Finn explain to Burt."Are there like, any illnesses or anything that Sam might have that could have done this?"

"No, Burt. He was coughing up blood, he moved his head and cried out in pain. The paramedic could hardly touch his right leg. Someone had to have done this to him." Finn said. 

"I just called Sam's parents. They said they would be here as fast as they can, but it's almost a four hour drive here." Mr. Schue said, walking back over to them. All of them were quiet. It was like that for a good forty five minutes, until the rest of the Glee Club arrived.

"Have you seen him yet?" Tina asked immediately. They shook their heads.

"Did you three see anyone in the hall way when you came to the choir room?" Mr. Schue asked Mike, Puck, and Finn.

"I saw Shane and some of his friends at the other end of the hall, but Shane just nodded to me as if nothing was wrong." Mike said, shrugging.

"¡Oh diablos, no! Yo sé que el hijo de puta no lo hizo a él!" Santana exclaimed, causing a few people to look at her.

"Santana, you don't know that it was him." Rachel said.

"Shut it, Berry. It wouldn't surprise me if he was trying to get back at Sam for taking Mercedes away from him."

"So it's my fault?" Mercedes asked.

"Technically, I didn't say that, but yeah. If you had just stayed with him, Sam wouldn't be in this mess right now." Santana couldn't believe she was saying this. Everyone stared at her. Her eyes welled up."I-I'm sorry. I don't mean that." She sat down."I just don't want anything to happen to him." She said.

"No that the cat fight has broken up." A voice said and everyone looked to see a woman in her late forty's standing there.

"Mom?" Mercedes asked. Martha looked at her daughter with sad eyes.

"I'm Sam's doctor for the time being." She said.

"How is he?" Carole asked.

"Are you his legal guardian?"

"I am until his parents get here." She said."He's been living with me and my family for a couple months now."

"Please sit. Mercedes, calm down." She told her daughter. After everyone was seated, she began talking."Sam has bruises up and down his back, he has a small gash on the back of his head, which caused his pain earlier. His right leg is broken in multiple places, as if something heavy fell on it."

"He said that his chest was hurting earlier." Mr. Schue said.

"And he was coughing up blood, mom." Mercedes said. She nodded.

"We've run a few tests to see, but I'm for sure that he's got a few broken ribs. As for the coughing up blood, we have a tube in his nose running all the way to his stomach. I scheduled a CT scan to see what the cause of it is. We're giving him medication through an IV, but he's still in a lot of pain."

"Can we see him?" Mercedes asked, giving her a pleading look.

"Let me go see if the nurses set him up in a room and I'll come let you know." She said and walked away. Everyone stayed quiet until she came back."They put him in a room but I don't want you guys to start asking him questions all at once, okay? It's up to Carole whether or not to ask who did this to him." Everyone nodded."And be quiet and don't stress him. We don't need his BP going up any higher." They followed her to the room where Sam was currently half way sitting up against the bed, his hands on the railings on both sides, squeezing them so hard his hand was as white as snow. His right leg was in a white cast like thing, Mercedes didn't know the exact word for it but she didn't care. She immediately walked over to him.

"Sammy?" He opened one eye and looked at her and then the other to look at everyone else.

"Cedes." He whispered and then groaned as pain shot through him.

"How are you feeling?" Brittany asked.

"Fucking hell." He snapped. Then he felt bad."I'm sorry Britt. It just hurts." He moaned as he shifted, trying to get in a better position so it wouldn't hurt as much.

"What hurts?" Martha asked.

"My chest, my stomach, everything." He said, trying not to cuss anymore. The tube in his nose was annoying the hell out of him and the severe pain he felt in his stomach was not helping. The pain meds they were giving him were definitely not working. He bit his lip hard.

"I'm going to and get you something, alright sweetie?" He managed to nod and she left and quickly came back."Do you know what the nurse gave you?" He shook his head."Was it Dilaudid?" She asked. 

"No ma'am." She nodded and put the small amount in his IV.

"This should help the pain soon." She said. He nodded and she walked out, hugging Mercedes. Sam slowly let out a breath as the pain started to slowly fade. He let the railings of the bed go and moved his hands a bit. He closed his eyes for a second and sighed.

"This is so fucked up." He mumbled.

"What happened, Sweetie?" Carole asked."Who did this to you?" Sam opened his eyes again and played with his fingers."You don't have to tell us if you don't want to now, but you have to eventually." He mumbled something and looked away from Mercedes.

"I didn't catch that, Sammy." She said.

"Shane." He whispered. Puck let out an inhumane growl when he heard the name.

"I'm gonna kill the mother fuc-"

"Puck." Sam shut him up."Sit your ass down." He said. Puck looked at Sam, who stared at him until he sat down."It was Shane and two other guys. I was about to call my parents and he shoved me into the locker, then one of them punched me in the face and I hit my head on something. Th-They started kicking me and one of them stepped on my leg and put all of their weight on it. I don't know who was doing what. All I know was that it fucking hurt." He said, closing his eyes again. He slowly drifted off to sleep as the others talked around him.

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