Chapter four. Wake up call.

Start from the beginning

 "I don't know, it'll come back to you soon, babe." He kissed my hand yet again, the familiar tingles rushing through my hand. At the thought of him calling me babe made me worry a little less of my condition. 

 "Okay don't worry it will all come back to you soon. I will give you some antibiotics and then you're good to go I think." He checked the chart thing that was at the bottom of my bed. 

"What? She can leave now?" Aaron ask a bit shocked by that.

"Yes as long as she goes home and rests. You can go back to school tomorrow but if you don't feel to well then it would be best to stay home." He smiled at me. "I will go and fetch her antibiotics." He then walked out of the room.

I then sat up a bit more, slowly, and pulled the sheet off of me, my hand still joined with Michael's. I stood to my feet, wobbling slightly so Michael put his arm around my waist to help keep me steady. We waited for the doctor to bring my antibiotics, he told me how many to take a day and when. Then we made our way out of the hospital. 

"Do you want me to drop you of at your house?" Aaron asked Michael.

"Don't worry I can walk from yours, it's only ten minutes away." He smiled. 

"How do you know where our house is?" he raises an eyebrow to the both of us, making the two of us blush.

"We hung out at the lake together last night." Michael looks to Aaron.

"Aw right. That's when you got the jacket from him." he smirked at me, I just nod in reply.

We reached Aaron's car me and Michael got in the back seats, his arm now around my shoulder as I sat in the middle seat next to him. I rested my head on his shoulder. Aaron climbed in the front seat as then he started the ignition and set off home. After a minute my eyes started to close, and I drifted of into a deep sleep. 

 -Aaron's P.O.V-

I looked in the review mirror to look at Ella and Michael. I didn't know know Michael very well, all I know is a few of the kids tease him at school but that's it. But he seems a nice guy.

 I glanced at them again after a few minutes as they were in the same positions. Ella now asleep, leaning against Michael if he was her pillow, her head on his shoulder, and he rested his chin on her head. As I hit a small pot hole in the road, Ella's arms wrapped around Michael's waist, hugging him tightly not wanting to let him go. 

 His smile grew even more, if that's possible, and tightened his grip around her shoulders, bringing her even closer to him, he then kissed the top of her head and his thumb drawing patterns on her lower arm, causing her body to relax again. They honestly do look sweet together though. 

I thought back to when we were in the hospital room, when Ella had said the last thing she remembers was Michael, the smile that spreed across his face showed how happy he was about that. When he realized that I saw his smile he ducked his head, so I couldn't see the small blush that spreed on his cheeks, but I did get a glance of that.

Even though I don't know my sister very well, I could still tell that she was falling for this guy. And from what I could see he was also falling for her. I just hope he treats her right cause I don't want to have to hurt him for breaking my little sisters heart. 

 That whole car journey consisted of Micheal not taking his eyes of her.


When we'd arrived home, I got out the car and opened the back door for Michael because he had to carry Ella bridal style, cause she wouldn't let him go. 

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