Childhood Friends ~NagisaxFemale Crosdressed Reader~

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Requested by @norway-likes-coffee
And with the help of @BlueShadow_ME ,thanks gurl for helping me on this one!!! 😘
Hope you'll all like this one! I AM REALLY SORRY FOR MY VERY VERY VERYLATE UPDATE!!!🙇
ENJOY!! 😊😙

Today is officially the WORST DAY if my life.

"Tell me why I have to do this again, (best friend's name)?" I asked over the phone, "A dare is a dare (y/n)-chan! Gambatte!!" She replied and then she hang up.


I was dared by my best friend to dress as a boy for today. It would be fine IF I was just at home but sad to say I was FORCED to head out.

"Arrgghhhh. . . . "

I had an angry expression behind the wig. I am wearing a boys outfit, pants, shirt, jacket, and sneakers, which is kinda fine but the thing is I have to wear a FREAKING BOY CUT WIG!!! And add the voice and movement. JUST WHAT THE HELL!!

This day wont go any well---!!!!

"HEY!! Watch it!!"

I was bumped by a guy. And with my mean attitude, I screamed at the boy.

"G-Gomenasai!" the boy shakingly apologized to me.

Wait a minute. . . . . .

"Nagisa. . . . kun?"


Fudge!!! It really is him!!!

Nagisa Shiota!? My childhood best friend!? OF ALL PEOPLE!!! WHY DO I HAVE TO BUMP INTO HIM!?

"Uhhmm. . . H-How did you know my name?"

"Uhmm! Ano. . . . . A-A friend o-of mine a-actually knows y-you so that's why I-I k-know you. H-Hehehehe."
I was shaking terribly!!!!! DAMMIT!!!

Nagisa is my childhood friend. We we're friends ever since we were young. But our friendship got blurry when he entered Kunugigaoka. While I entered to a different school.

"It seems like you're alone. . . . ummm. . . . . . "

"Oh! Yuki, Kawamura Yuki.(That is your guy name for the mean time reader. 😃)"

"Ok, Yuki-kun how about we hang out for a bit?"

EHHHHH!? Wait! The Nagisa I knew before was a shy one. WHO JUST BOOSTED HIS SELF-CONFIDENCE!? And add the cuteness when he asked me. SO CUTE!!!


"Oh! Sorry, I was spacing out. It is actually fine, I have nothing to do anyway," I replied with a smile.

"Let's go Yuki-kun!"

I nodded at him as we walked down the road.

The funny thing that happened during our walk was when his childish side that I know is still there up until now. But sometimes he falls silent and just stare then look at me with a sweet smile.

I giggled at his actions. He is definitely the Nagisa I once knew.

"Say, Yuki-chan, wanna grab something to eat?" he asked me.
"No need! I am not yet hungry anyway!" I said as I smiled at him but . . . . saying that I was not hungry was a total opposite because right now. . . . MY STOMACH JUST GROWLED!!!

"Damn! Can't this just wait!?"

"Hahahaha! Come on my treat!"

He said as he patted my head. (Note: Nagisa is taller than you. 😊) A good thing that he was convinced that I am a guy. (Nagisa even got a stranger convinced that he was a girl. Refer to s1 ep19 or maybe 20.)

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