Chapter one. Steps.

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  "I suppose you heard that?"  He looked to the ground yet again. 

  "Yeah kinda."  I admitted.  He sat on the step that I was sat on but he kept a reasonable space between us, no surprise there this is Michael the shyest guy ever.  I watched him run a hand through his hair as his tongue ran over his lips. 

  "Well maybe you could help me.  What do you think I should do?  Honestly?"  He rested his chin in his hand, and tilted his head to look at me. 

  "Honestly I don't think you should go out with her." 

  "Why though?"  He questioned.  Frowning, his eyebrows meeting.

  "Are you seriously asking me that question?  I don't mean that in a bad way or anything.  Did you not hear her trying to change everything about you telling you where to go, what you'd wear, how you'd act?  She such a control freak. I  honestly hate her.  And I think she just trying to use you to get back at Aaron.  I don't know why all the guys fall for her, she's gorgeous everybody knows that but she just...  I don't know...  Selfish?"  I look back over to him, only now realizing how good looking he really was.  His brown hair falling into his eyes, his brown eyes staring straight at me. 

  "You've been waiting a while to say that about her right."  He started chuckling. 

  "Yeah sort of, long story. But anyway you have to figure out what to do.  Do you want me to leave you to think?"  I ask getting ready to stand up. 

  "No, it's fine...  I mean...  Stay!  If you want."  His shyness started again.  Aw he honestly is cute when he dose that.  Wait what am I thinking I hardly know him and I'm think of how good looking he is. 

  I chuckle as I stay sat down and look down to me feet hoping he can't see the goofy smile on face. "So do you want to tell me what you're going to do?"  I look at him from the corner of me eye. 

  "I honestly don't know what to do.  I really..  Um..  Like her?  But that was before I heard her try to change everything, like you said."

  "I think you should wait for the right girl to come along, a girl who likes you for you, not so she could change you to some complete other person."  I start fiddling with me fingers.  I look to my watch and notice I should go back to biology class the teacher should have finished talking about that subject by now. "Anyway sorry but I have to go back to class. See you around?"  I look at him only to realize he's looking straight at me too.  A blush rising to both our cheeks and we quickly look away. 

  I stand up an walk to the door, just as I'm about to open it he stands and starts speaking again.  "Thank you...  Um..  Sorry what's you're name?"  He smiles as his hand scratches the back if his neck. 

  "Oh yeah, sorry, I'm Ella."  I say awkwardly. 

 "Well, Ella I'm Michael..  T-thank you for helping me...  I think I know what to do now...   And you'll have to tell me the story between you and Diana, one time... If you want that is...  Since you listened to me I want to return the favor."  He yet again blushes and runs a hand through his now messy but still nice hair. 

  "I'd like that."  I smile before entering the school.  Did that just happen, did he honestly want to listen to my story of me and Diana.  Well at least I'd get to see him again maybe.  I mean I see him everyday since we go to the same school and all, we have a few classes together, but we never talk with on another.  Hopefully that might change. 

-Michael's P.O.V-

  I watched as Ella left, going back into the school to go to her lesson.  Since I had free hour I didn't need to rush. 

  Talking to Ella honestly helped me figure out what to do.  I will go and tell Diana I don't want to go on a date with someone who would try to change me.  Never.  I mean if I could change anything about myself it would be my shyness, but even then I don't know most people like the fact I'm shy. 

  But just now talking to Ella I didn't seem to mind it, since she was quite shy herself but it was cute.

  As soon as I saw her sat on the step I saw how pretty she was. And she honestly was.  Her blonde hair and blue eyes, and she is naturally pretty. I'd prefer her over Diana any day.  Did that sound wired saying that even though I've just meet her?  Yeah it did. 

 I quickly got out my phone and text Diana.  'Don't worry about that date it's not gonna happen.'  I send it and within a minute me phone buzzes. 

  'Oh don't say that I was start to look forward to it, well since Aaron  was kissing Tara before.  So are we still on for tomorrow?' 

  I read the text and as soon as I read it I realized Ella was right she was selfish and yeah she was now using me to get back at Aaron.  I was not going to let her do that. 

  'No I realized you were just trying to use me to get back at your precious Aaron.  I don't want to go with you now. I would have given you an amazing date but you blew it love.'  Some how I got all that confidence an actually sent that message. 

'Well if that's how you feel, I'll just find someone else.' 

  Well at least I realized with the help for Ella that Diana is a bitch.  And maybe just maybe I'd get to hear the story of Ella and Diana sometime.

 #Picture of Michael-------------->

The Shy Ones.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang