Chapter 8

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The press gasp at the intruder and stare in curiosity. I look from her to my manager multiple times . After a moment of silence the room is filled with reporters yelling questions.

" How do you know Moon " one shouted

" Are you a long lost relative" another shouts

The mysterious woman answers none of the question's but only to ask one of her own

" So Mis.Moon I'll give you two options 1) easy  or  2) hard .you choose." She smirks
    The press all turn to me for my answer. I blank for a moment and apparently she took the silence as my answer.
    "Hard way it is "she smirked and pulled out a gun .

Now being the small town girl I am I choose not to have and body guards. Everyone had gasped and freaked out . I stayed still not daring to move.
  " ok ok chill girl no need to pull out weapons just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you " I spoke with my gentle voice
    " hmmm I want you ... Well my brother does . But your kinda cute I can see why he likes you."  She said as I looked at her confused seeing this she sighed and explained " come to me  with your hands on your head "
   I got up and followed her orders . Once I got to her she put the gun to my head. Then ordered the people not to follow us .  I was forced outside and in an alley by a sexy mothers cycle.
   " now hop on" the mysterious lady ordered as any sane person would do I got on . She got on and put a helmet on her and myself . Then  guess what she pulled my hands in front of her and cuffed them there. Oh joy ! Note the sarcasm.  We zoom off into the night the blurred lights are the only things I see . The sound of my crazed voices whispering, and plotting against me to bring me to my own demise again is the only thing I can hear. But ohh no no I know what they are doing and it won't happen again .

hey dudes and dudets sorry for my lack of posting but I will update regularly now please give me constructive feedback
Love Jews bye

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