chapter 1

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I am Moon, and I'm an aspiring singer as I would say. If you are thinking is Moon her real name, yes yes it is. My mother loved the moon . Her last words were and I quote,
"The moon loves you, the moon stalks you. It protects you. It is you. You are my moon. "
Weird I know, but what can I do, I'm my mother's daughter. I have a certain pull to the moon, and let me make this clear; I am not a werewolf. It's just the moon has always been there for me.
Anywho back on track. I am 16 going on 17... Just kidding, I just turned 15 . And I have this tintsy problem with singing, you'll find out soon what I mean. I was signed to a record label just last month. I wont brag though, I'm not like that.
I sit in the recording booth and wait for the music to start. Just so you know I write my own music. That I will brag about. Once the music has started I begin to sing.
" I'm all alone again without a single friend . Its like my world is spinnin round and round and round. Why can't I find someone like you to hold me tight ,to start a new. My heart beats fast driving driving me insane...." I was cut off by Mike, our sound guy.
"Great job Moon that was the only part we needed to rerecord so you can leave early today." he smiled.
I return the smile and walk out of the booth. I check my phone to see its 6:23. I should get heading home, I have to feed Bacon. Bacon is my pet pig. I say my goodbyes and leave.
I walk home of course mainly because I don't have my license and my guardian Goliath is at work. Walking along the sidewalk looking at the moon, I try to block out all the voice's in my head. No I'm not crazy, I'm just unique. That's what my mom told me when I was 10.
"They are all against you!" one voice said.
"How could they even like you?" another adds in.
"You just need to end it all. Kill the man who started it all." the first one said.
" No! I won't. Just please, stop!" I started tearing up, causing the few neighbors that are outside still to look at me strangely. My neighbors are still getting used to it.
I arrive at my house and get tripped by Bacon, who is squealing in delight. I get her favorite food which is chili and carrots. Weird I know, but as long as she doesn't get gassy I'm good. I sat down her bowls and went to my room .
Plopping on my bed, I look over at the pictures on my nightstand. One of my moma and I, one of my older sister who is in a different state, and then a picture of him.
The voices start again but I'd rather not tell you what they are saying. Tears start running down my face unintentionally. Bacon enters with her leash. She always knows how to make me feel better; and people say that pigs are stupid. Slipping on her collar and leash, we head out for the walk.

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