Chapter 14

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"Excuse me?" said a sultry female voice.

Alice spun on her heel, turning from the cart of books she was filing away on the library shelves. She then beamed her signature smile at the young woman standing before her. "Yes? Can I help you?"

The young woman, slender and vibrant, and head-turning attractive, extended her hand. "Hi. I'm Lana. It's nice to meet you."

Eric's new plan was in full effect.

To remedy the shortsightedness of copying and pasting himself into virtual form, he created a new character, one that would be unrecognizable and carry strategic advantages.

Now Lana, a stunning woman in her mid-20s, with shimmering jet-black hair, fare skin, and unrealistic dimensions, his chances of nearing Victor increased two-fold. First, because Victor preferred feasting on attractive young women, and second, because Alice–the key gateway to Victor–should be more receptive to those like her.

As Lana expected, the digital gem responded favorably.

"Hi, Lana," Alice replied, taking her hand. "It's nice to meet you too." They let go. "What can I do for you? Did you need help looking for a book?"

"Thanks, but not now. Actually, I came to see if the library had openings for employment."


"Yeah, although, I don't really have much experience." Lana lowered her voice. "None, if I'm being completely honest."

Alice smiled. "Don't worry about that. I didn't have any when I first started." She grinned. "Where I come from, there aren't many libraries." With both women smirking, Alice continued. "Out of curiosity, why were you interested in working here?"

"Well, after I decided to enter this world, I scoured its map for employment ideas. That's when I spotted the library. I figured that working there would be the perfect place to get acclimated, mostly because I'd meet people in the area."

"Smart thinking, because you're right–the locals do come in and out without pause. And in terms of actual library work, there isn't much. Anyone can get the job down in half an hour."

Lana cast another smile. "Seems like my strategy brightening by the second. That is, if the library is hiring."

"For that, you would have to speak with our manager, Greg Miller." Alice cranked her thin neck around. "I haven't seen him though, which is no surprise. He likes coming in late and leaving early."

Lana fought to maintain her smile. "Do you know when he might return?" she asked, not truly wanting to work here, and especially wanting to avoid wasting her time with Greg Miller.

"With Miller, it's hard to tell. And hey. If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been in this world?"

"About thirty minutes. It's my first day."

Alice's brow rose. "Wow. Well, I asked because I'm taking my lunch break now, and if you wanna tag along, I can fill you in on what I've learned."

Lana again turned up her full pink lips. "That would be lovely."

"Great. Wait for me out front. I'll grab my things."

As the gem walked off, Lana turned and started for the exit, trying not to lose her balance while walking.

"Nice and easy," she murmured, wondering how long most women needed before moving comfortably in heeled shoes.

She exited, descended the library's steps, and successfully reached the sidewalk without tipping over. She then waited with a glowing sense of pride.

Displaced - Book One of the Alternate Reality SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now