Chapter 7

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Eric exited the Sunrise office complex, walked over to his auto, and climbed inside.

"Will you be going home now?" the navigation system asked.

"Scratch that. Take me to the Vale residence in Santa Monica."

"Just to be sure, is this the correct location?"

The auto projected two screens on its dashboard, one of the Vale residence as viewed from the street, the other a topographical map.

Eric smiled. Given the Vale's substantial wealth, that had to be it. "Yeah. That's the one. And what's our estimated arrival time?"

"With increased traffic in the Santa Monica area, it will take eighteen minutes to arrive, or exactly three minutes before noon."

Eric leaned back and nodded, grateful that his unannounced arrival wouldn't be unreasonably early. "That's fine. I'm ready whenever you are. And thanks."

"Um," the auto hiccupped, "you're... welcome... Dr. Roberts."

Eric cast another smile. "Call me Eric."

The auto reached the destination in the projected time, having spent most of it snaking up numerous winding roads. Along the way, it entered a lavish living area, one beset with stunning mansions, luxurious autos, and surprisingly dense vegetation.

The auto parked before one of the many massive estates, and Eric exited his humble self-driver. He then started for the home's security checkpoint, positioned at the base of the driveway, and occupied by a dark bulky bot, one who maintained laser-like focus as he approached.

"Good afternoon," Eric said, stopping five feet away. "My name is Dr. Eric Roberts, and I wondered if I could have a word with the Vales. I'm currently performing a health care service at their request, and I wanted to give them a progress update."

"Are they expecting you, Dr. Roberts?" said the gravelly voiced machine.

Eric took a half step back. If the bot's vocal programmers aimed for intimidation, they succeeded and then some.

The machine's voice came across deep and metallic, almost grinding. But with security operations its existential purpose, that figured. That also likely accounted for its dark oversized body.

"No," Eric replied, "I'm afraid they're not expecting me. But I was in the area, and I decided to try them here."

"Understood. Stand by. I will attempt to reach the Vales."

The bot fell silent as he established a communication link. All the while, he never took his dark eyes off the stranger before him.

Eric cleared his throat, then busied himself by glancing about the area. After observing the expensive but rather quiet surroundings, he shot a look at the bot, its dark eyes still tightly locked.

Eric snapped away. Goddamn. If bots derived their personalities from their environments, where the hell did this thing spend its formative years?

"Dr. Roberts," the machine called out, "you may proceed."

Eric turned back. "Thanks."

He started up the home's cobblestone driveway, and a minute later, reached the sprawling cream-colored estate. While working up the stone steps towards the front door, the door suddenly opened with Ms. Vale emerging from behind.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Roberts," she greeted, her tone not overly cold, but not overly warm either.

Eric's brow rose. Ms. Vale appeared far younger than her actual fifty-four years, more like upper thirties. But with her substantial wealth, she could easily take advantage of the latest rejuvenation technologies, not to mention the latest fashions. "Good afternoon," he responded. "First, please accept my apology for the sudden appearance. Second, if it's not too much trouble, could I have a word with you inside? I wanted to update you on Arvin's progress. It shouldn't take too long."

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