Chapter 6

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I collapsed onto the couch behind me feeling the slight dampness from where Hermione was sitting earlier, her wet clothes leaving damp marks behind on the couch.  My breath was still ragged and uneven from our...encounter only a few moments ago. She was driving me out of my mind; she'd seemed to take away my self control and prejudice, and that most certainly wasn't a good thing.
She had only been gone a few minutes and I already missed the feel of her skin beneath my hands, he'd breath on my neck, her lips on mine. I'd didn't want her; I needed her, more than anything I've ever needed in my life. No other girl had ever affected me the way she did, it was uncontrollable. And as much as I hate to admit it, maybe Blaise as right, although I want going to tell him that.
I closed my eyes tightly and pressed myself into the soft fabric of the couch willing myself to concentrate on something else...but I couldn't, my whole mind was fixated on Hermione Granger, it was like she was never, ever leaving my mind.
I inhaled the soft scent of the couch, which vaguely smelt of Hermione's fresh, floral scent. I breathed in heavily, her scent smelt amazing, and it just reminded me of her, again.
I couldn't stay down here anymore, knowing that she was only a few meters away from me. I slowly climes the stairs and stopped outside the door that lead into the bedroom, where Hermione probably was. It was completely quiet. Before I went in I quickly divested myself out of my muddied clothes and flung them into the wash basket in the corner of the room, leaving me in my boxers.
I opened the door to the bedroom slowly and stepped in, and crept over to the matte wooden four posted bed. Her chest heaved gently as she breathed on the soft silk pillows. I watched intently as I slid under the warmth of the covers, she slightly stirred a little  but got back to her rhythmic breathing.
"What are you doing to me?"
I whispered as I stroked s loose curl from her face, and behind her ear.
I then collapsed my head into the soft pillows and fell asleep.

I groaned tiredly into the crumpled sheets beneath me, wincing at the bright sunlight pouring through the curtains. I the suddenly realised that my head want rested on the pillow but I was rested on Draco's chest, I gasped quietly at the realisation. I glanced up to him to see if he was still asleep, and he was indeed. So I reluctantly slid off of the bed and bit dressed, turning around every now and then too see if his eyes were still closed.
Once I was dressed and tied my hair up into a loose bun I turned back to look at Draco. Hang on, since when did I call him Draco? It didn't really matter did it? I mean we should probably start calling each other by our first names as we were going to be having sex in a matter of hours. I sighed at thought. Yes I kissed him yesterday, but I still wasn't really ready to have sex,  or have a child, it was all way to much and was happening way to quickly.
He groaned in his sleep, just as I had done moments ago and the he twisted into his side. My eyes wandered to the blonde hair line that lead from his navel to beneath the line of his boxers and I sighed longingly. Why am I doing this? I shouldn't be doing this! I quickly grabbed my bag and went downstairs , being careful not to slam the door behind me.
My skin felt as though it was on fire and I almost felt as if I was out of breath as i sat down at the desk in the common room.
My quill and ink pot remained on the desk , along with my unfinished charms essay. Even though it wasn't due for another two weeks and I had already written way more than I was supposed too.
My eyes fluttered closed as I'd been writing for over an hour my arm cradling my heavy head against the wood of the desk. My quill fell limp in my fingers as I fell asleep.
"Hey Hermione , wake up."
Someone was shaking me gently and calling my name but they sounded as if they were miles away.
"Hermione, wake up." The voice rang again.
My eyes fluttered open as I saw Draco Malfoy gazing down at me, smiling...Smiling?! Since when did Draco Malfoy smile?
"Did you...just call me...Hermione?"
He stood up straight, his blonde hair falling between his eyes and he placed his hands in his pockets.
"Well ... Yeah. That's your name isn't it?" He joked
I nodded slowly , still surprised. I don't know why but it felt so right that my name was coming out of his mouth, I'd never felt that way before,
"And well i think it's time we start calling each other by our first names, because we're going to be- you know... 'doing it' soon."
I laughed at his awkward expression ... '.doing it'
"Yeah, yes I agree Draco." I smiled at him as I stood up, tucking the desk chair in.
His signature smirk plastered across his face and he was stepping towards me, pinning me against the wooden panelling of the wall.  My breath grew faster as his face was so close to mine and his body pressed tightly against my shaking form.
"What are you doing?"
His index finger traced down the bare skin of my neck tracing delicate patterns and I sighed quietly at the contact. His hand caressed my hip gently and his lips ghosted over mine  eliciting a soft main from me.
"Exactly what you want me to do."
His hand loves away from my hip and up to my breast, cupping it through the thin fabric of my top.
I moaned as he kissed my neck tenderly, my hands finding their way to the depths of his thick, platinum blonde hair. His free hand slipped beneath my skirt and gripped my thigh firmly, lifting my leg up and around his waist.  I was on fire, my body Igniting under his touch, I was amazed at how much power he had over me. I was beginning to loose control  and any purchase I once had on this situation, but then I saw him undoing his belt and pulling down his fly and I realised what he was doing, I didn't want to do it here, pressed up against a wall.
"Draco, stop. Not here."
Before I could do anything to stop him, he lifted me up so my legs were wrapped around his waist and headed towards the stairs.
"Should we take this somewhere else, then?"
As much as I wanted to remain In his arms I had to see some senses, it was nine o'clock in the morning and I still had about 15 hours to prepare myself for this. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't, not yet. His grip was unyielding and I couldn't escape his grasp.
"Not now."
I managed to unhook my legs from his waist and set my feet back on the ground. I couldn't really read his expression on his face and I decided for once in my life to be daring. I stretched up to him and placed my lips against his, my whole body was shaking as my tongue glided over his bottom lip and tugged slightly, begging for entrance. His lips melted against mine at that moment and he slipped his tongue inside my mouth, battling with my tongue for dominance, a battle which he always won. I moaned softly before I reluctantly pulled away from the kiss, panting.
And with those final words, I came off of my tip-toes and out of the portrait hole, leaving a terribly turned on Draco Malfoy behind me.
I leant against the portrait hole trying to catch my breath again and gain some kind of purchase that might resolve to what had just happened, which resulted in little success. I pulled my skirt back down to its original position and walked down to breakfast.
I felt incredibly hot and flustered by the time I got to the Great Hall and was regretting the fact that I didn't comb my hair and fix my self up. My feet wobbled slightly as I walked into the Great Hall and walked over to the Gryffindor table. Still trying to regain my balance,my eyes darted around the room to the hundreds of smiling happy faces when I unintentionally locked eyes with a rather intrigued Slytherin.
It was the guy Draco a,ways hung out with, Blaise Zabini. He had a very similar smirk to Dracos that was plastered across his face , it was like he knew something, but I didn't know what.
I tore my eyes away from him and went to take a seat next to Ginny, making sure there was a good distance between me and Ron.
"Hey Herms"
Ginny said, smiling at me, then she noticed my hair.
"Merlin Hermione! Didn't you have time to actually brush your hair this morning?" She teased
I laughed at her slightly , "I'll talk to you about it...later"
She smirked at me, kind of getting idea.
I knew Ron was glaring at me, but I really couldn't care less. He bought this on himself and I wasn't going to be the one to pick up the pieces again. He'd started it, so he can bloody finish it and apologise, because I am certainly not.
I turned in my seat for a moment when I saw someone enter the room; it was Draco. He's hair was loose and messy under his eyes, he walked in and pushed it back with his hand. The way he did that was so sexy. No Hermione.
"Now I'd like a moments silence if you please."
The loud voices died down as Mcgonagall stepped up to the owl podium.
"Thankyou.. I have a message for the 8th years"
Oh great.
I low him of voices were audible as all of the 8th years realised what this announcement was regarding. Normally there were no announcements on Sunday's.
"You are to be assembled outside of the hospital wing tomorrow at two o'clock in the afternoon."
A familiar lump began to accumulate in my throat again as reality of the situation arose to the surface of my ocean of thoughts. We all know what was going to happen behind the closed doors of the hospital wing tomorrow, one by one our lives would change forever.
Professor Mcgonagall began to ramble on about several other notices, which all became a blur to me after the first one. The idea of being pregnant was so foreign to me and most likely to every other eighth year girl in this room. In my mind I was still a child and I was certainly not ready to raise one myself.
Harry and Ginny were talking to each other excitedly, obviously not affected by what Mcgonagall had just said. I took this moment to turn to Draco and try and figure out what he thought about all this. I swivelled on the linear wooden bench and subtly averted my gaze away from the Gryffindor table and over to the Slytherin table.
It didn't take my eyes long to find him, his blonde hair stood out from all the rest. I examined his face, trying to decipher some kind of reaction, but there was none. As always, his features showed no emotion whatsoever.
I turned away from him my sudden shift of attention going completely unnoticed. I picked up my piece of half eaten toast and chewed on the burnt crust worriedly.
The day had passed fairly quickly since breakfast and I was in my extra credit work charms class towards the end of the day. Normally I remained completely undeterred by things going on outside of class but today, I was distracted and unable to concentrate. It was a Sunday and this was the only lesson available one this Sunday.
Quickly scribbling down the rest of my notes, not paying attention to what I was writing. Then the bell rang, finally. I grabbed my piece of parchment and will and saved it into my bag quickly as I stepped out of the classroom and down the corridor to meet Ginny at break.
I went outside into the courtyard and she was sat on a bench in the far corner of the beautifully scenery ahead of us.
She was reading a book, for a change. I walked towards her and I sat by her. She snapped her book shut and turned to me, smirking.
"So, can you please explain why your hair is like-" she picked up a piece of my hair ,"this." And she let it down.
I laughed at her eager expression. "Honestly Ginny it isn't much- well it is- but- ERGH i don't even know '
I muttered as I placed my face in my palms. She lifted my head up and made me face her, smiling bright.
"Well...Is it about Malfoy?!" She practically shouted and some people turned to us, confused.
I gave her a sharp look "shh!"
She gave me an apologetic look and then nodded for me to continue.
"So. Yes. It is about Draco."
She gave me a slinky confused and excited look "since when did you call him Draco?"
"Since today ,now... Oh god I can't believe I did this" I said, putting my hands in my face again. She patted my back.
"Hermione you know you can tell me, whatever you did I won't judge you for it."
I lifted my face up, already going red.
"I kissed him." I muttered and she heard.
She squealed. "Oh my god! YES!"
"No. Ginny I don't know what I feel for him any more. He was just so, passionate and nice and loving yesterday night"
"Last night?! What happened last night?"
I sighed , "we made out. And well it felt so good. But I know I shouldn't feel like that"
"Of course it should feel like that Hermione! You only have a matter of hours and then you have sex with him. This. Is. Perfect."
The lump yet again firmed into my throat as hundreds of thoughts flooded my mind. I was going to loose my virginity in a few hours.
"Ginny! This is certainly not perfect. I hate him!"
"No, Hermione you don't hate him. If you hated him you wouldn't of kissed him yesterday. I know you have feelings for him."
"I don't have feelings for him Ginevra! I may have kissed him... Twice."
She looked at me, raises eyebrows, "twice?!"
"Yes..twice. This morning"
"Hermione you totally have feelings for him, it's obvious" Ginny smiled
I didn't know what to think anymore, I didn't know how to feel anymore. All of this was a complete and utter blur to me.
Just thinking about him, made me want him even more, but I knew deep down that I still hated the boy. But his touch, oh his touch. It was enough to send a girl over the hedge.
The way his lips felt on mine, just the way everything he did was so, so perfect. The way he pushed his hair back, his morning voice, his cold grey eyes.
I snapped out of my thoughts and back to Reality.
"Yes?" I said
"It's time to go."
I sighed as I stood up off of the bench, grabbing my bag and I flung it on my shoulder.
Then I realised I needed to tell Ginny something important.
"Hey Gin" I said as she was packing her bag.
"Yeah?" She looked up at me and smiled
"You need to promise me that you won't tell Ron... Or Harry about this. It's between you and me and Ron will kill me if he finds out." I said
She finished packing her bag and stood up straight, she put two hands in my shoulders and looked me in the eye.
"Hermione. Of course I won't tell Ron about this, he is being a complete ass. But obviously you'll have to tell him soon, once he's stopped being so childish.. But I wouldn't tell him anyway, it's your job too Herm."
I smiled at her as her hands left my shoulders. "Thanks Ginny. Thankgod I have a friend like you."
She grinned back " I'm flattered "
I laughed a little. "Well, Hermione I'll see you at Dinner, yeah?"
I wasn't hungry right now and I knew I wasn't going to feel hungry later either. My thoughts were just running wild.
"Hm. Yeah" and that's all I said as we made our goodbyes.
I thought about what lay ahead of me this evening. I couldn't remove the thought from my head, it was finally getting to me now, I felt so nervous ,my heart was racing every time I time I thought about it.
The rest of the day passed quickly , to my disappointment. All I did was read in my apartment and I think Draco went down to Hogsmeade with his mates. I wasn't hungry and I felt so scared. What if he hurt me? Well Ginny said it would hurt a little. Oh my goodness. I was so not ready for this.
Why couldn't I just pause this moment and think over everything for a couple of hours? I just need time to think, even though I do that a lot already. I couldn't stop thinking if standing outside the hospital wing with everyone else. And hearing the "Your Pregnant" be said to me. My head fell back onto the couch. Even though what Ginny said might be true, but she always wanted children at a young age, so I guess she was finding this easy to process.
My head jerked forward and the portrait hole slammed shut as Draco stepped inside, looking sober, thank god. I quickly slammed my head back down in the pillow, my heart started racing, he saw me to quickly.
"Don't try and pretend to be asleep, Hermione" he said, walking over to me, his tie undone around his neck. My eyes opened , he as smirking, then turning into a smile. Another smile?!
"Are you okay? You weren't at dinner." He asked, sitting down next to me.
I sat up, hugging my knees. "I wasn't hungry...and I'm just thinking"
He put his hand on my knee, and tugged my hair out of pony tail. I shivered at his
"What were you thinking about?" He said, softly.
I looked at him , my eyes sinking into his granite ones.  "Everything. What's happening tomorrow. It just makes me so anxious"
He grabbed my waist and pulled me so I was now straddling his lap.
"Hermione. You'll get through this-- we'll get through this" he said. I never thought Draco Malfoy would ever say that to me.
His musky cologne engulfing my senses as he placed a handle my thigh, rubbing it softly.
I felt myself falling, spinning out of control as his lips collided with mine.
Her soft lips moulded against mine as I grabbed her waist, deepening the kiss. She moaned as my tongue caressed her bottom lip and bit down, gently.
My hands moves around to the back of her legs and hooked them around my waist, just as I had some this morning. She backed against the couch as I hovered over her, her legs still wrapped and tightly around my waist. I felt my hard length press against her thigh as my trousers grew unbearably tight.
Her hands were entangled in my hair as I could feel the heat of her body burning my skin. I needed her.
Without breaking our kiss I scooped her up in my arms and held her close to my chested I climbed the stairs and opened the door to the bedroom. We fell on the bed, my body breaking her fall and I finally broke the kiss leaving her lips swollen and blood red.
I kissed down the line of her, eliciting a soft moan from her perfect mouth, her back arching towards my body.
Her hands fell to the buttons on my shirt and her fingers nimbly undid the fastened piece of fabric. I tore my lips away from her for a second as I slid the shirt if my arms off and tossed it on the floor. Her hands fell against my chest as she ran them along the plains of my body and I sighed against her skin at her burning touch.
My hands cupped her full breasts through the thin material of her topped she moaned as I pinched her nipples through the thin fabric.
I pulled her up into my lap again as I swiftly pulled the top over her head and ran my hands down her back to her bra and reached the clasp.
I could feel the upper curve of her breasts heaving against my bare chest, desperate to be freed from the tight constraints from her bra. I unclasped her bra and let it fall so the straps fell loosely from her shoulders.
I pushed her back gently against the bed and removed her unfastened bra. I marvelled at the perfect milky globes before me. My mouth fell to her left breast, she moaned at the contact, her hands tangling in my blonde hair, pushing my head harder onto her breast. Her pink nipples  her pink nipples hardening in the cold air. Not that I hadn't seen her breasts before. My mouth fell to her left breasts and my tongue glided over her nipple. She gasped and began to moan as I kneaded her other breast before I gave the other one the same treatment.

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