Chapter 3

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The cold air was lapping at my bare chest causing me to shiver slightly as I turned over on my side to face away from the window. I back in shock pay what i saw; Granger, she was wearing an oversized Gryffindor t-shirt what do was halfway up her stomach now, her long creamy legs were exposed, and j could see her bum and her white lace pants.
What the fuck? I thought i told her to sleep on the sofa yesterday! Who the bloody hell does she think she is? For some reason I was finding it rather difficult to tear my gaze away from her ass. Oh for fucks sake Draco. A voice at the back of my mind spoke again. Why am I suddenly did it granger attractive? Wait no I'm not.
I hurriedly got out of bed and went straight into the bathroom ,trying to remove the image of hermiones almost naked form from my mind.
I stripped down our of the very little clothing I had on.
My hand grasped onto the handle of the shower and pushed it. Water cascaded our do the shower head and down into my body , the warmth felt so nice, as I was pretty much freezing before. Warm mist began to float through the air and stick in the mirror, steaming it up.
Drops of water were clinging onto my hair and dripping down my face.
Once I had rinsed off I reluctantly stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel from the side, I wrapped it around my waist, my chest still, dripping wet. I then saw my was lag on top of a whist cabinet, I must of left it there when I went out.
I suddenly heard movement in the next room. Great, granger was awake. I decided that taunting her would be a good start to her day, so I swiftly entered the room. I watched as she yawned sleepily, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Don't think you'll be getting away with that again. I'll have to get the sheets disinfected."
She turned to me immediately, giving me another venomous look, I smirk,we at her annoyance.
"Oh sod off Malfoy! Why can't you just leave me alone!" She snapped, she got up with a rather agitated movement, looking rather angry, perfect. I walked over to my wardrobe and opened it to receive my uniform. I turned and I saw granger staring longingly at my exposed dripping chest. She very quickly averted he'd gaze, and I couldn't help but smirk.
"See something you like , granger?" I teased a her, she rolled her eyes,
"I'm not even going to dignify that question with an answer."
I smirked, I loved annoying her, it was so entertaining.
"You just answered"
She glared at me, "fuck you"
She grabbed her uniform and stormed out of the room.
I quickly got dressed , my tie hanging loosely around my neck. U couldn't be asked to spend more time in this apartment. The only bonus was that I got to make Grangers start to the day a complete utter misery.
I picked up my school bag and then left the bedroom and walked down to the common room, where the poor lonely granger sat, looking at a book, again.
Her face scrunched up at the sight of me walking down the stairs, I smirked.
"Are you still here? Haven't my eyes been tortured enough already?"
I noticed a red ruby blush form in her cheeks as she looked away.
"Well thanks for the effort but I can still see your face"
She stuck a middle finger up at me and hit up from her place, placing her book in the coffee table. And then she stormed into the kitchen.
This morning was off to a good start, I'd already pissed her off.
I decided to leave the common room and head down to the great hall.

Thank Merlin that stupid ferret was gone! He's already pissed me off, and I've been awake for 15 minutes. Couldn't he just leave me the hell alone? I wasn't provoking him, why does he have to start a fight? Because he's Malfoy that's why, the prick.
I still had about an hour and a half before lesson started, which was enough time to grab breakfast, even though I was really not hungry at all. So I decided to have a quick shower.
At least Malfoy was gone, so I'd don't have to worry about locking the doors, and I can have a shower in peace.
I plodded off up the stairs and into the bathroom, bursting Malfoy as I went.
I opened the bathroom door up and it was swimming In mist, and it smelled like Malfoys cologne: peppermint , rain and woods. I inhaled his scent, it smelt so good, he smelt so good.
No, Hermione stop.
The steamy fig started to dissipate.
I took off my t-shirt and unclasped my bra, which I unconventionally decided to put in when I woke up.

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