Chapter 4

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thank merlin that that was the last night I had to spend in that stupid apartment, with him, him and his ego.I can't believe that he thinks he has the decency to speak to me like I'm just an object. Who the fuck does he think he his? That fucking ass! 
This morning when he came into the bathroom, I'd never felt more mortified and embarrassed than ever. The way he looked at me, the at his eyes ran all over my body. It just makes me feel like shit. But the way he looked at me wasn't like his usual cold stare. It was like, full of lust? If that's what you'd call it. Id never felt more confused either.
Our of nowhere I sighed into my pillow at the thought of what happened. Im being stupid, he looked at almost every girl like that. It's nothing new.
Why even was I thinking about? Why did he I care if he looked at me like that, he slept with probably every girl in the school.
I sank into the soft blankets, willing to make me forget about everything around me. My eyes fell closed and I tried to sleep just to forget. After about 20 minutes I wasn't even tired so sat u and examined the room. The stack of homework which wasn't due for about 2 weeks but I did it anyway was on the dresser, my uniform hanging crease-free on my wardrobe, and... My concentration drifted and my thoughts were back to Malfoy. When he walked over to me, he was so close to my body, his breathing heavy, the smell of his minty breath, his smoky cologne that inhaled me, and the the way he was looking at me was almost indescribable; I couldn't put my finger on it.
Uh! I had to remove him from my mind it as like he was taking over my body, and just putting himself in my mind all the time. Every minute , of every hour of every day. And anyway, he was rude , offensive , arrogant and overall a spiteful little prat. Tomorrow , I can finally clear my head and talk to Ginny and have my own bed and space.
There wasn't any point in thinking about this , it would just make angry again, and then I won't be able to sleep, which means I won't be able to focus in class tomorrow.
I quickly brushed my teeth , making sure I locked all the doors in the bathroom before getting changed. It was really hot this evenings I just out in some boy shorts and  a t-shirt.
My body slowly relaxed a little more once I got back into bed, but my mind didn't stop thinking about the blonde Slytherin downstairs.

I woke up early this morning with Granger fast asleep next to me. I came to bed very late last night because I wondered off for a walk down by the black lake to clear my head from everything that's been going on in there lately.
I got up and went down to the common room, I was still very tired and I slumped down onto the couch, placing my head back  I let my mind wonder as suddenly the curly haired girl made it into my mind once again. Her Ivory skin, her long creamy legs, her large brown eyes with black eyelashes , her blood red swollen lips, her long caramel coloured curls which cascaded down her back and last but no means least, her body.
Her body was perfect, a lovely hourglass figure that anyone could die for.
This had to stop! I had to stop letting my mind drift over to the Gryffindor. I don't know what's happening to me. She was a mudblood and she was Hermione Granger, nothing more. I had spent way to long in here with her and I think I'm starting to go insane.
In what absurd world did I think Granger a beautiful? She was filth and she deserved to be treated like it.
I was pulled out of my mental battle when she walked in; I quickly averted my gaze to stop the unwelcome thoughts from flooding my mind again.
She didn't say anything at all , she just walked out of the portrait hole without a single word passing her lips. I was actually gals because I want in the mood to listen to her dirty mouth blabber I'm about how I'm a 'filthy ferret'.
I then decide to head down to breakfast also.
It must have been rather later than when I would previously come down to the Great Hall, as the first years were all play go out in the hall way and they were in my way. I gave them a glare and they soon scurried off in the opposite direction.
I went into the hall and sat in my usual spot by Blaise and Theo. I wasn't really very hungry so I just sat there and had a drink.
I them stared blankly at my surroundings, trying not to leave my eyes wonder over to the Gryffindor table.
I stopped when I felt Blaise looking at me, and it was starting to get on my nerves.
"What is it Zabini?" I said, giving him a sharp look, folding my arms.
"So, have you shagged her yet?"
Zabini was a good friend, but he can be really irritating at times, always demanding something.
"You really are a prat, you know?"
He raised his hands in a sarcastic defence and started shovelling food into his mouth again.
"How are things with Parkinson?"
I knew this would annoy him, because he stopped eating and glared at me, he hates Pansy, al most as much as I did.
"How do you think things are going with Parkinson?"
I chuckled at his response and his glare only increased.
"I don't even know what you're complaint about, I'd much rather have Granger for a partner than Pansy."
I winced internally as he voiced what my kind had been concealing the last few days.
"She's a mudblood"
Blaise rolled his dark eyes at my response, as he could see right through me, he then carried on eating his breakfast. I was grateful that mean and Granger would be spending some time apart now. It wouldn't be long though , because for two first week we had to spend 5 days I'm that wretched apartment and then it reduced from now on.
My elbows rested on the dark wooden table and my eyes then wondered over to the Gryffindor table, and surprise , surprise, they landed on Granger. She was talking to Weasley, his sister and Potter. I could see her dragging her food around her plate before finally pushing it away from her.
I tired away as I was beginning to feel my my wander again and I didn't really want that to happen, so I got up and went to my first lesson, closely followed by Theo and Blaise.

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