Chapter 2

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My head and eyes were spinning uncontrollably as I scribbled my signature on the piece of paper in front of me. I couldn't say, or do anything to stop this. Why him? Draco and I hate each other, no, loathe eachother. This year was going to be the worst, starting from now.
I straggled out of the room, trying to retain my balance. I saw Harry and Ginny waiting outside for me, smiling happily. I felt my eyes burn with my tears as they started to swell up once more.
"Hermione, who'd you get?"
I didn't have to say anything, as the platinum blonde head boy walked out of the booth.
"You got paired with Malfoy?!"
Ginny said, staring at the tall boy, looking him up and down, then glancing at Hermione, giving her a worried look.
The clarification of these situation made me feel sick. I can't believe I'm going to have to have sex with this boy, and carry his baby around with me for 9 months. Kill me now.
"Ginny...I can't do this." I whispered to her and then I was lead off up to our apartment, Draco trailing behind me. It felt way more than awkward walking up to the compartment with my most hated person ever. He showed no emotion, his face was bland and plain. I though about speaking just to cure the silence, but he spoke first.
"Look mudblood, I'm laying some ground rules now. Stay out of my way when we're in the apartment, and don't think I'm going to be Mr.nice guy when your carrying the baby. And only talk to me when you have to, I'd rather not listen."
There, that was the reaction I'd been waiting for, the cold, arrogant , unemotional , spiteful reaction, he'd always use. To be honest, I'd grown used to his spiteful comments, so they didn't really hurt me anymore. But the thought of having this sick mans child was sickening , especially as he's known for the reputation of the 'Slytherin Sex God.'
"Well, that's fine Malfoy, because I don't want anything to do with you either. So your ground rules abide mine also. And get over yourself with the Mudblood calling. I mean, after the war you should've seen some sense." I snapped back, but he didn't care, no matter how hard I tried to insult him, he just let it glide straight past him, like the wind.
Anyway, I was too tired to even argue with Malfoy, there was plenty of time for that later, because I knew there was going to be lots of arguments in this apartment.
Whenever I was in his presence, I was always scared, like he was going to hit me or something, because he seemed like he would.
Filch, yes he's still alive, stopped at a large colourful painting, it looked like some type of messy artistic drawing , just full of colour. It was adorned with a golden frame, with the Hogwarts logo incrusted at the top. I sighed as I stood waiting at the door, arms crossed.
Filch stepped in front of the door, "you can choose you password yourself, and share it with your friends if you desire."
Filch gave us a goofy, weird smile before leaving us at the door. He seemed pretty proud of that short speech he made, like he rehearsed it off by heart, over and over.
Draco rolled his eyes," how about, muggle born filth?"
I gave him a sharp , glare.
"Oh get over yourself Malfoy, and choose an educated suggestion."
His signature smirk formed on his lips and I shuddered at the sight.
"Whatever. I don't give a shit, you choose. Anyway, I'm going to try and spend as much time away from here as possible." He finished, entering the portrait hole violently , slamming it shut behind him. I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour before thinking of one myself. I chose the first thing that came to my head, "FireFly."
The swirling colours on the portrait turned in different directions, and the portrait opened.
I saw Draco slumped down onto the White , fluffy sofas, with his feet propped up on the mahogany coffee table.
"What is it?" He grunted, not looking up to me.
"Firefly." I answered simply. Luckily, he didn't show any emotion, yet again and just shrugged it off, not bothered about my suggestion. And I was grateful, I couldn't be bothered to have another argument with him again.
I stood there, not really knowing what to do with myself at the moment, so I decided to check out the rooms. I turned on my heel and I could feel his scorching gaze on my back, it was like he was burning me, or something. I shuddered.
There was a small little kitchen just in the corner of the room, with white panelled floor and marbled surfaces around the whole thing. There was a great fridge in the far corner of it, with lots of cupboards and draws around it.
The common room was white and grey, quite bland, I think. And the floor was a grey carpet, which also felt soft. The sofas were white, and had onyx pillows on them, in the middle stood a brown wooden, mahogany coffee table , also.
There were many bookcases, desks which were all the same type of wood as the coffee table. The fire place was opposite the sofas, but was not crackling fiercely yet.
I decided to walk up the wooden steps and up to the bedrooms.
I opened the first door in front of me to find a large bathroom. It had a bath tub yet again the size of a swimming pool, a shower room , and 2 washbasins. There was a large mirror also, and the floor and surfaces were also a marbles white. There were different shower gels and shampoos In cabinets again. There was a tub full of luxurious soaps, and then some towels next to them.
There was another door that lead , probably into the rest bedroom, I turned the golden handle and opened the door.
There was a massive , King sized bed, which had blankets and cushions thrown over onto it, the floor was a polished wood, with a large rug in the middle of it. There was lots if dresses and 2 wardrobes in there too. Also, another fireplace.
Them I realised the second door I had just seen, lead into this one also.
What? We have to share a bed?! There is no way in hell, I am going to be sharing a bed, with that ferret! They certainly couldn't be serious!
But I was so tired, and I just wanted to sleep so much right now, so I slinged  my tie off, and placed it on the back of the chair. I slipped off my lace ups and place them by my wardrobe , I unbuttoned my shirt 3 buttons down and zipped my skirt down a little just for comfort. Then I threw my tights on the floor, I then slipped onto the bed, which was yet again so comfortable, and fluttered my eyes closed.

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